by basketkase 28 Apr 2021

Got a couple done in the past 2 days......this is Polka Dot Pony and Wired........they will both be up on my website tonight.......


by pennifold 30 Apr 2021

The cat reminds me of when I put a knife into a toaster (when I was 11). In those days you got an electric shock and I was calling out to Mum to help me, I felt just like he looks! Great work, love Chris

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 30 Apr 2021


by pennyhal2 29 Apr 2021

If I were that pony, I'd be scared too! I know just how that cat feels.

by sonjapotgieter 29 Apr 2021

So Gorgeous!!Great designs!!

by stork 29 Apr 2021

HAHA!!! I love the cat! Sure seems to mimic the week some of us have had.

by sharonleekesner 29 Apr 2021

Oh my gourd !! That cat is hilarious. Love 'em.

by 02kar Moderator 29 Apr 2021

Very creative designs. I'm glad this is not the mama cat. hehe

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 29 Apr 2021 may be when we let them all in the same room🙀

by noah 28 Apr 2021

My Dad used to tell my sister she was wired for sound .She is still really loud lol Love them the cat gave me a big smile lol