by tinfriend 20 May 2021

Good morning,

Is there any way we could get to VOTE for the Letter K of the Amazing Flower Font on the Amazing Embroidery Designs websites as there is NO VOTE BUTTON available??

That is why the Voting / Free design skipped from the Letter J to L!

Would appreciate it sincerely - unless of course there is a reason? Thanks in advance!x


by sewtired 22 May 2021

I'm sorry, but we apparently aren't communicating very well. This is an old set. I acquired it between 2011 and 2012. The whole set has been available for voting this whole time, but apparently most of the folks who wanted it recently already had the K and so did not vote to bring it into view on the first page. Take a moment to view all the pages of designs available for voting. There are a lot of them and you might find something else you would like to vote for as well. Be aware that throughout the day they will be on different pages as the designs voted for will move closer to the front and those not voted for will move toward the back. They will start the day with the newest designs on page 1. I hope this clarifies what I've been trying to say.

asterixsew by asterixsew 22 May 2021

beautifully described

sewtired by sewtired 23 May 2021

Thank you. It is often so difficult to communicate when there are no voice nuances or facial expressions.

by tinfriend 22 May 2021

I don't think that I explained myself correctly : What I meant is the following and this time I hope you may understand what I am tried to say!
In the CURRENT "cluster" of VOTING Letters, when the Alpha began & NOW, the Letter K NEVER appeared in the "SET" of 26 Letters to "VOTE" for "CURRENTLY"....... SO that ONLY 25 Letters were available to VOTE for and NOT 26 Letters = Letter K was MISSING from the set!!!

Hope that this now clears up what I meant!!! I now have seen that the Letter K was on Page 2 with a number of 16 Votes when I looked this morning (22nd SA time)! So thank you to everyone that has voted as I am sure that I am NOT the only person missing this Letter from my set!x

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 22 May 2021

When I say "MISSING" from the set = TO VOTE FOR at the time and NOW as it is NOT part of the "CLUSTER" so to speak when it says "VOTE for next design"!! Sure hope that this all makes sense!!!

by sewtired 21 May 2021

You wrote, "If you look at the "Vote for the Next Daily Free Design!" It has NEVER appeared there - that is why I posted my question! If you check today it is STILL not there! Thanks!"
If you look on that page, there is a heading under those words:
1 - 20 of 3086 Designs Sort by: Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...155Next»
Those numbers at the end are page numbers. There are 155 pages of designs (20 designs on a page) to vote for. The Amazing Flower Font is an older set, so it is near the end which is why I had to go to page 139 to vote for it yesterday. Sometimes you have to do a lot of searching to find the page it's on as the designs with the most votes are shown first and they keep changing places as they get more votes.

1 comment
sewtired by sewtired 21 May 2021

Oops, I was on the Cute site, but same thing goes for the Amazing site, except there are 160 pages with 12 designs on a page.
1 - 12 of 1918 Designs Sort by: Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...160Next»

by Renga 21 May 2021

It is now on page 2 and has 13 votes.
This letter was the very first they posted as a freebie for that alpha

by mops Moderator 21 May 2021

You can vote for the letter. I just did. Currently it has 3 votes and is on page 20. Once it is voted for it will move up to a newer page.

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 21 May 2021


by tinfriend 21 May 2021

Thanks for the answers - just found it strange that you cannot VOTE for this Letter, that's all!!

1 comment
mops by mops 21 May 2021

You CAN.

by sewtired 20 May 2021

I went looking for the letter K of the Amazing Flower Font and was able to vote for it. Not sure why you are having a problem. It was on page 139. It is no longer there since I voted for it, it has moved up to another page. If you click on the letter itself, there is no vote button. Could that be the problem?

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 21 May 2021

If you look at the "Vote for the Next Daily Free Design!" It has NEVER appeared there - that is why I posted my question! If you check today it is STILL not there! Thanks!

by asterixsew Moderator 20 May 2021

Thank you for your question. As moderators it is one we cannot answer. Freebies are at the discretion of the site owner

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 21 May 2021

I do realize that - just found it strange that it did not have a VOTE button! Thanks