by dragonflyer 06 Jun 2021

A graduation gift for one of my neighbors...Graduated from high school and is on her way to the Animal Behavior College to become a veterinary proud of her...The puppy is part of a Tattered design I adapted and digitized the remaining details, and the rest I designed and digitized...I hope she likes these! Thanks for looking, Cuties....


by sebsews 09 Jun 2021

Nice gifts and your work is amazing. She will love them.

by peafarm 08 Jun 2021

These are just wonderful. She is going to be thrilled I can tell you for sure. I love them.

by noah 08 Jun 2021

She Will love them i do:):) hugsxx

by toogie 07 Jun 2021

These are nice gifts! Lovely work as always.I wish her well in her life's journey.

by sonjapotgieter 07 Jun 2021

Look so Gorgeous!!Great work done..Going to be happy Lady!!

by pennyhal2 07 Jun 2021

What a great way to celebrate this important step in her life! She will treasure these and appreciate your gifts for this event.

by stork 07 Jun 2021

She is going to love these.

by 02kar Moderator 07 Jun 2021

What thoughtful gifts for Jessica. You are the best helping her with them. And congrats to her. I'm sure she is going to be a wonderful Vet Tech and pet owners need good techs.

by sebsews 07 Jun 2021

Great gifts and I am sure she will love all of them! You are very thoughtful!

by pennifold 07 Jun 2021

You are such a sweet gal Kim and I know this young lass will appreciate all that you've done for her. God bless you, love Chris

by sewmadau 06 Jun 2021

Such a lovely thoughtful gift, I'm sure she will be thrilled. Congratulations to your neighbour .

by cj2sew 06 Jun 2021

She will love these gifts. What a great job.

by sewtired 06 Jun 2021

Awesome. I'm sure she'll love them. I do.

by dailylaundry 06 Jun 2021

Wow, Kim - she is going to be so happy this these gifts!! You have such talent! Hugs, Laura

by worthy 06 Jun 2021

That is an amazing gift, she will love every piece of it.

by bemara 06 Jun 2021

Wow Kim, great, looks fantastic, a great gift, hugs Maria