by basketkase 08 Jul 2021

Had big computer issues yesterday after doing that update that everyone was suppose to do.....Jim had to restore my computer back to the day before to get rid of, yesterday was pretty much a bust....Did these the other day, and I think this frog is my favorite of the butterfly these are Butterfly Frog, Feel Grate and Friends Wine......these are up on my website now........


by sebsews 11 Jul 2021

Such cute designs! My computer is on auto update, not sure how to tell if it did the new update. Keep up the good work!

by pennyhal2 08 Jul 2021

Poor dragonfly! Doesn't look like it is in any danger of being eaten by a flying frog! What fun designs!

by sonjapotgieter 08 Jul 2021

Awesome designs!!Great work

by stork 08 Jul 2021

Glad I missed that update too! Love computers when they work but they are a royal pain otherwise.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Jul 2021

Fun designs! I guess it's a good thing I missed that update.

by sdrise 08 Jul 2021

Computers are great until they don't work. !! Darn I hate that when that happens. Good you are back up and running. Hope you are still feeling better and better each day! Suzanne

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase edited 09 Jul 2021

Yes, Jim had my computer on auto updates and it is now on was awful!! Yet his laptop was fine with the update, that is why we feel I must have software that conflicted with the update....