by dragonflyer 16 Jul 2021

Lovin' this little ITH Llama Stuffie...made it for a cute little three year old...Vivi is her name...I hope she likes it as much as I do! Thanks for looking, Cuties...


by pennifold 20 Jul 2021

This is adorable Kim, I know Vivi will love it. Love Chris

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 20 Jul 2021

Thanks, was fun to make too!

by airyfairy 19 Jul 2021

Oh Kim, this is the cutest. Little Vivi will love it

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 19 Jul 2021

Aw, thanks, Sarah!

by robertahilde 19 Jul 2021

So hug-gable, so sweet...Excellent job!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 19 Jul 2021

Thank you, Roberta...

by sonjapotgieter 17 Jul 2021

So cute and Beautiful!!!!Well done!!!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 19 Jul 2021

Thank you Sonja....

by babash 16 Jul 2021

So cute and an excellent choice of fabric to use. Viv will surely love it.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 19 Jul 2021

Thanks, I hope she loves it too!

by stork 16 Jul 2021

Vivi will never let it go, she is going to love it!! I bet she gives it a special name too! Awesome design!

by peafarm 16 Jul 2021

Hi Kim, I see your little pic thumbnail too but no big pics. What I do see is fantastic. Guess I need to just log out for the night. Everyone is home from work and I guess is on the internet this evening. No big pics coming up for me-=-says 2 images with the number 1 & 2 and no pics. Sorry.

by toogie 16 Jul 2021

Vivi will love it! Sure made me smile!

by bemara 16 Jul 2021

so cute, she will love it :-), hugs Maria

by asterixsew Moderator 16 Jul 2021

totally delightful