by basketkase 26 Jul 2021

I think it is time to go to the beach....this is Bacon Beach and Hot Dog Beach....both will be up on my website tonight......


by pennifold 27 Jul 2021

These are really cute Vicki. I love the play on words too especially with the pink pig! It's like our beaches in the summer, a bit too hot to lie out in the sun! Love Chris

by noah 27 Jul 2021

Love your play on words lol Good job Vicki girl:):)xx

by pennyhal2 27 Jul 2021

Now that add a bit of fun to my day! Can't help but laugh at these designs! Your thread choices really are just perfect for these.

by sonjapotgieter 27 Jul 2021


by 02kar Moderator 26 Jul 2021

Oh my gosh, they are so funny. I can hear the sizzle thanks to the toasty warm weather.