by basketkase 04 Aug 2021

I stitched this design on a SS for my fall gonna do one more show here in Illinois before we move to AR next year.....this design is called Rear View and will be up on my website tonight....the design on my website will not have the text.....I enlarged it for my 10x10 hoop so I could use is a bit hard to see the red in the pic but it pops in real life....the word is Adopt...


by 02kar Moderator 04 Aug 2021

I'm so glad you are still digitizing designs like this.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 05 Aug 2021


by sonjapotgieter 04 Aug 2021

Awesome design!!!Great work

by pennyhal2 04 Aug 2021

I'm sure that this is a very true statement. There seems to be a lot of people who are lonely except for the companionship of their pet.

by sewtired 04 Aug 2021

Beautiful sentiment for a very nice design. I've known a few people that this was so true for.