by basketkase 28 Oct 2021

Good Morning's beginning to look alot like Christmas here....this is Holly Arrangement1&2 and I used mylar behind the light green leaves on #2 and then Poinsettia #3 & #4...hopefully these will be up on my website tonight....


by pennifold 28 Oct 2021

Hi Vicki, they're all lovely. I have a real soft spot for these beautiful Poinsettia flowers. Have a lot of Christmas decorations with that theme! Beautiful work on everything. Love Chris

by noah 28 Oct 2021

There all lovely my friend Hugs xx

by pennyhal2 28 Oct 2021

Holly is always a useable decorations. The holly bushes I've seen seem to have such a wide variety of shapes. But, poinsettias have my heart! I can hardly wait for them to come on the market.

by 02kar Moderator 28 Oct 2021

As always I love to enlarge your designs. The detail in each is amazing.

by sonjapotgieter 28 Oct 2021

Love the Poinsettia!!Mad over them..Stunning designs!!

by stork 28 Oct 2021

Gorgeous! Love the poinsettia done in the gold/silver look!