by queenofhearts 23 Nov 2021

Has anyone ever had a file that breaks needles ? I am working on some quilt blocks and I downloaded 9 files.. The first 6 sewed out perfectly but about a quarter of the way though the 7th one it started to break the needle. After breaking about a half dozen needles I started over with new fabric and thread. When I got to the same point that gave me trouble on the previous one the same thing happened. I went on to do more sewing on something else with no more problems so I know it is not a problem with my machine. Any ideas?


by noah 27 Nov 2021

yes i have had that happen the very same i forwarded the machine 20 stitches then it worked great again

1 comment
queenofhearts by queenofhearts 28 Nov 2021

Carolyn, what did you do to fill in the 20 stitches that were missing? Maybe it wasn't noticeable? This was an outline so the missing stitches would have been quite obvious.

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Nov 2021

It is a little suspicious that it would happen on the same spot which makes me think that it is a problem within the design. If you know where you received the file from I would try to contact them.
Have you looked at the back to see what it looks like at that point?

by rachap 23 Nov 2021

I had a similar problem with a very dense design and thought I needed to use a bigger needle to get through all the layers but that didn't help so I contacted the digitizer and they told me I should have done just the opposite!!!Use a smaller needle- a 10 or 11 embroidery or try a jeans needle if you can find the smaller size. Also if you can slow down your machine. That worked for me so hope this will help you.

1 comment
queenofhearts by queenofhearts 24 Nov 2021

This is a very light outine stitch .Unforfortunely I don't remember where I got it.

by toogie 23 Nov 2021

No, not really. I don’t digitize but I know a good source for needles-😉