by crafter2243 18 Dec 2021

Quilt for Coco's Veterinarian. After numerous miss carriages she is expecting a baby girl in February. This is my second try at "quilt as you go", so don't look too closely. I have learned a lot for the future, specially in the planning.

Looking at the picture of the quilt and Coco's back it is obvious how bad my dogs hips are. 😒


by dailylaundry 24 Dec 2021

This is simply beautiful!! What a wonderful gift for your Veterinarian!! It will be treasured! I will add her to my prayer list!! Merry Christmas!!

by lidiad 24 Dec 2021

The veterinarian will be thrilled to get your quilt, it's beautiful!
Hugs, Lidia

by hightechgrammy 23 Dec 2021

How nice to make something for the vet!
It's so nice!

by basketkase edited 19 Dec 2021

You are so kind and such a gifted quilter.......this is going to be so loved by her vet and I pray for her healthy delivery of this baby girl! Oh, and prayers for Coco to have some relief very soon!

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you for your kind comment.

by sonjapotgieter 19 Dec 2021

So Pretty!!Great work you have done..And congratulations and Pray All goes well

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you for your comment. I am also praying for her that everything will go well.

by 02kar Moderator 19 Dec 2021

What a sad story, but I'm so glad to hear there will be joy with this pregnancy. I see Coco is giving his approval for all of the hard work and love you have stitched into this beautiful quilt. I hope that you and Coco will have some hope soon to fix those hips. Coco is a special furry Cutie so we all hope he can and will be helped.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thanks. Fixing those hips will require thousands of dollars. Hopefully she will be a candidate.

by pennifold 19 Dec 2021

Well done Angie, your vet will love this and it's so colourful. I do pray that all goes well for the birth and an extra cuddle for Coco, love Chris

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thanks Chris. Coco also says thank you

by toogie 18 Dec 2021

Poor Coco😢 I hope he’s not in pain.

Congratulations for the parents! I know they will appreciate your wanting to celebrate this birth with them. A lovely quilt and all the animals are just perfect for the daughter of a veterinarian.

I have never tried quilt as you go. Are there any tips you care to pass on to us? What to do or what not to do.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Yes. Call me when you are ready 😊😊😊

by worthy 18 Dec 2021

Wonderful , You like all of us know the place/places we would have undone, if we could, but really it is a beautiful quilt you can be proud of and will be loved.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

I guess imperfections proof that a human created it and not a machine. Thank you for your comment

by stork 18 Dec 2021

It looks fantastic!! Cute baby quilt

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you

by noah 18 Dec 2021

YES it takes some getting used to to do it this way .BUT .We are never to old to learn.It looks lovely and lots of work :):)

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

True never to old to learn

by sewpam 18 Dec 2021

Very Cute!! it looks perfect. This will be well loved.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

I am glad you think it looks perfect. Thank you

by bemara 18 Dec 2021

Ein schönes Geschenk für deine Tierärztin, ich freue mich für sie das im Februar ihr kleiner Engel zu Welt kommt. Schade das es bei Coco keine Besserung gibt. Meine kleine Ginger schafft es auch nur mit täglichen Schmerzmitteln. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut, liebe Grüße Maria und einen schönen vierten Advent :-)

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Mir geht es gut aber mit Coco sehe ich immer mehr wie die Hüften nachgeben

by dragonflyer 18 Dec 2021

It's adorable...great job...

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thanks Kim

by gerryvb 18 Dec 2021

First of all how wonderful Coco's Veterinarian is expecting now !!
I know for sure she will love the quilt you made. it looks great !!
And yes indeed you can see the bad hips of Coco......
compliments and hugs for you, and a cuddle for Coco

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you. There are times when she slips.

by peafarm 18 Dec 2021

Very nicely done.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you

by graceandham 18 Dec 2021

Your quilt is darling and what an amazing gift to give to share joy with them at this important moment in their lives.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 21 Dec 2021

Thank you. She is a special lady