by basketkase 07 Feb 2022

I made these for my sister in law.....hope she likes them will mail today.......these are called Coffee Coaster Set and will be up on my website tonight.......I used vinyl on top and the underneath bottom is trunk carpeting for cars...I use this same product when I make badges for people.........


by gerryvb 10 Feb 2022

wow, they are lovely !! I'm sure she will love them !

by pennyhal2 09 Feb 2022

What a great coffee assortment! Thanks for the additional info. I never thought about trunk carpeting for the back of coasters. A new idea for me!

by sonjapotgieter 08 Feb 2022

Such beautiful designs and project done!!!

by pennifold 07 Feb 2022

These are really beautiful and would look lovely on anyone's coffee table. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 07 Feb 2022

I think no hope needed. She is going to love them!

by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2022

Great job - she will love them!!! Hugs!