by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2022

Three Grandchildren - three Valentine projects to send out!! For our six year old Henry, 25 Valentine pencils with star toppers. Our little guy is learning to read and we are so excited for him!! Thanks for looking! I appreciate it! Hugs to all, Laura


by peafarm 11 Feb 2022

So sweet you have made all these. I, too, have 2 little great grands one of which is reading a bit and the other I think is learning a few words--I think she mostly makes up.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 12 Feb 2022

Reading (even a little bit) is such a confidence builder. I know Henry is very proud of himself! There is nothing like a grandchild. We are very blessed! Thanks bunches!!

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Feb 2022

How sweet are those. You are making a bunch of children happy.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 11 Feb 2022

Thank you, Angie - I hope it makes them smile! Hugs!!

by airyfairy 10 Feb 2022

These are so cute. I cannot believe that Henry is six already

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 10 Feb 2022

Thank you Sarah - time has flown by - it is hard to believe that he is six!!! Hugs to you and yours! Laura

by gerryvb 10 Feb 2022

the children will love these

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 10 Feb 2022

Thanks bunches, Gerry! Hugs!

by stork 09 Feb 2022

Love these....perfect for little boys or girls!!! Great job!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 09 Feb 2022

This was a fun little project! Thanks and hugs!!

by sonjapotgieter 09 Feb 2022

They all So Beautiful!!!Busy Lizzie..Well done!!!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 09 Feb 2022

Thank you, Sonja - his Mom says, he likes them!! Hugs!!

by dragonflyer 09 Feb 2022

You have been busy! Great job.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 09 Feb 2022

Thanks, Kim!!! Bunches of hugs to you!!

by sewmom 09 Feb 2022


1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 09 Feb 2022

Thanks! It was fun to make too!! Hugs to you!

by pennifold 09 Feb 2022

Wow, Laura you have been very busy with all of these, they are gorgeous and congratulations on Henry learning to read. It's a great skill to have and kudos to him for trying. Love Chris

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 09 Feb 2022

Just little fun projects and when you are little, it is always great fun to get a package in the mail with your name on it! Thanks bunches!!! Hugs!

by worthy edited 08 Feb 2022

Another adorable project for the lucky grand children. Congratulations Well done. And yes it is very exciting when they start learning to read and the amazement in their face.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2022

He is very proud of himself and so are we. He sufferers from ADHD and it isn't easy for him to focus - but he is doing great!!! Thank you and Hugs!!!

worthy by worthy 10 Feb 2022

Now that makes it so so much more special. Thank you for sharing that. Give him a great big hug for me also.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Feb 2022

You and Henry make a great team with these adorable pencils and star toppers. Give him an extra cuddle for all of the Cuties. and extra cyber hugs to you too.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2022

Thank you, Karen! I don't get to see him very often - they are in Virginia now - but, he calls me LaLa and has since he was very little - so we are buddies!! Hugs!