by noah ( edited 10 Feb 2022 ) 10 Feb 2022

My friend two houses up sold there house for big bucks .They paid $30.000 and sold for $250.000.She is headed back to the city .Will sure miss her .Thanks for LQQKING Hugs xxxNoah

I forgot to tell you under Community i wrote more about the towels ok


by pennyhal2 25 Feb 2022

It takes a while to develop a friendship with another, and it is awful when that friendship has to be broken because of a move. I'd cry too.

1 comment
noah by noah 27 Feb 2022

Yes 4 sure .

by toogie 25 Feb 2022

This is lovely! What a profit on their real estate! But how much more will a house on the city be? I know losing good friends is hard.

1 comment
noah by noah 27 Feb 2022

Thanks She's going to rent ,there marriage is broken as well as there hearts:(:(

by basketkase 16 Feb 2022

Gorgeous towels, Carolyn........she will treasure them....

1 comment
noah by noah 16 Feb 2022

She cried then tried hugging me .Then we both cried I hate goodbyes xx

by arisann 16 Feb 2022

Beautiful gift, she loves I imagine. Well now you will have another place to visit. Congratulations to your friend on the sale!

1 comment
noah by noah 16 Feb 2022

No way she lives in a big city near the border between Canada and USA .But we can visit on here lol hugsxxx

by pennifold 13 Feb 2022

This is so pretty Carolyn. I'm sorry your neighbours are moving to another town, but hopefully your new neighbours will be lovely. Love Chris

1 comment
noah by noah 14 Feb 2022

I already kinda know them .There sister (my friend) lives beside me lol

by virginiamaxwell 11 Feb 2022

Those are beautiful

1 comment
noah by noah 11 Feb 2022

Thanks 4 looking hugs xx

by peafarm 11 Feb 2022

Wow, you've outdone yourself. These are gorgeous. Sad to lose a friend who is close and leaving for somewhere else. Everything has gone thru the roof cost wise. Told my hubby too bad we didn't build another 2 car garage before the cost of lumber and supplies went sky high. But I ramble----I love your towels and sorry she is leaving.

1 comment
noah by noah 11 Feb 2022

Thanks My Pea Farmer xx

by sonjapotgieter 11 Feb 2022

Yes so sad to Say Goodbye to long time neighbors..I had
to say Goodbye after 27 years as well..This is so pretty

1 comment
noah by noah 11 Feb 2022

Thanks went for a visit just now .She was crying but otherwise ok:(:(

by worthy 10 Feb 2022

That is absolutely Gorgeous. Such a sweet reminder each time she looks at it. Pray you have another good neighbor move in. God Bless you both.

1 comment
noah by noah 10 Feb 2022

They are from the city that are coming here .I fear they will find it very boring .No TimHortons coffe place . No fast food etc. In summer we do have a chip stand run by my granddaughters Mother .

by dailylaundry 10 Feb 2022

This will make your friend very pleased. Hard to say goodbye to good friends! Well done! Laura

1 comment
noah by noah 10 Feb 2022

Thanks Laura hugs

by asterixsew Moderator 10 Feb 2022

Carolyn what a super gift for your friend. Out of interest just how many years did they own the house. Property is booming in the UK. I hope you have great new neighbours very soon.

noah by noah 10 Feb 2022

I would say 15 years .Thanks

noah by noah 11 Feb 2022

I asked her and it was 12 years