by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Well guys please keep your fingers crossed for me as I'm having bowel surgery on Friday 18th Feb & am extremely nervous. I just need some positive thoughts coming my way. I will be away for at least 2 weeks. Thanks everyone



by toogie 26 Feb 2022

I hope you are on your way to recovering. Keep us posted as you can❤️

by grammaheh1 25 Feb 2022

Hoping your surgery goes extremely well and that you heal quickly.

by asterixsew Moderator 25 Feb 2022

Irene thanks for the update. Major surgery for many does take a while to recover from so please continue to take care and not overdo life.

by irenewayne 25 Feb 2022

Well I'm home & feeling like I've been hit by a truck. Won't have a result back for another week yet but according to my 2 surgeons it was a huge operation but they are optomistic. Now I am playing catch up on comp but only in small steps. Good to be back though

by pennifold 13 Feb 2022

Hi Irene, sending prayers your way and I know that God will be watching over you. May your surgeon's hands be guided by our great healer. Sending positive thoughts as well. Love Chris

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 14 Feb 2022

Thanks Chris

getEdited - SELECT
by dadybrode edited 13 Feb 2022

Je vous souhaite que tout aille bien et vous dis à bientôt en pleine forme.

maleah by maleah 13 Feb 2022

Prayers for you..

irenewayne by irenewayne 13 Feb 2022

Thank you

by mrskiki 13 Feb 2022

Keeping you in my prayers. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 13 Feb 2022

thank you

by gerryvb 13 Feb 2022

prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way!

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 13 Feb 2022

Thanks Gerry

by lulu07 13 Feb 2022

Will be praying for you.

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 13 Feb 2022

Thank you

by sewmadau 12 Feb 2022

Hi Irene,
I had the girls over on Friday and everyone sends you positive thoughts and Dorothea said she hopes you have a good surgeon, good old Dorothea. "G" Have posted you a card, but the way our mail is lately have my finger crossed that it reaches you before the 18th

You are in my thoughts every day, understand just what you are going through hang in their my friend.

All my love Ann

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Thanks Ann & the girls.

by stork 12 Feb 2022

Prayers for you Irene.

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Thank you

by dailylaundry 12 Feb 2022

Irene, of course you will be in my prayers. Deep breaths and stay positive - let us know how you are doing! Lots of hugs for you!! Laura

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Thank you

by stillbehind 12 Feb 2022

Sending prayers and gentle hugs your way.

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Thank you

by graceandham 12 Feb 2022

God, give my sister some calm and assurance as she faces this surgery. May the doctors, nurses, and all who care for her be touched by your power and love so that she gets the best outcome. Be with her as she waits for and enters the surgery time. Give her peace and a feeling of being surrounded by love. And Lord, prepare her for the waiting time as she heals, too, giving patience and forgiveness for herself and for those who care for her.

irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Lovely words & thank you

shirley124 by shirley124 12 Feb 2022

Sending prayers and Hugs.

irenewayne by irenewayne 12 Feb 2022

Thanks Shirley