by basketkase 23 Feb 2022

Hi all.......been busy starting to clean stuff (crap) out of our drawers and cabinets.....taking your advice, Karen! Did get to play a bit the past day or two......this is TGIS #1-5, the letters stand for thank God it's spring.....hoping this brings it early......I love the happy colors!! These will be up on my website tonight.........


by pennyhal2 24 Feb 2022

Those little guys are announcing that Spring is here! Cute designs!

by 02kar Moderator 24 Feb 2022

It has been a long, cold and stormy winter so it's nice to see Spring designs. And kudos to you for starting to go through drawers and cabinets to lighten the load when you move.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 24 Feb 2022

Thanks and next thing is calling the auction company to get rid of whatever we are not taking......Our realtor will list the house as soon as we are empty and out.....we don't want traipsing through the house with our kitties, can't take a chance of them getting out or stressing them any more than they are gonna be...ugh!

by sonjapotgieter 23 Feb 2022

So Cute and Adorable!!

by stork 23 Feb 2022

How sweet.

by asterixsew Moderator 23 Feb 2022

Delightful and very much Spring. We have had the most incredibly wet winter in my bit of the UK and I look forwards to the arrival of Spring

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 23 Feb 2022

I hear you........don't know if all the covid stuff still hanging around has caused the winter to seem incredibly long or if it really has been long!!!!