by toogie 19 Apr 2022

Hello Cuties! I went to the orthopedic today and my break is healing so good that now I can start therapy. He told me he would leave it up to me if I wanted to continue wearing the brace. I said I don’t rest well at night because I feel strapped down, like sleeping with a seatbelt on. So all evening I have been without it but I admit my arm feels heavy at times. I was used to the sling holding it, but he wants me to move it as much as possible. I was fearful it might be too early 6 weeks but he said the only way I could damage it now is if I took another fall. So I hope to regain full motion because I WANNA SEW! lol

Yesterday would have been my daddy’s 100 birthday. Born April 18,1922 My sister sent me a text saying she missed him and I told her I hadn’t even looked at the date of the month. Where does the time go? Anyway, here is an old picture she sent. He is the one on your far right. We don’t know who the other GI’s are. Maybe some of your relatives. Wouldn’t that be awesome! I think our grandson Dalton has daddy’s looks. We’ve compared their pictures before and we are all in agreement.
We had a good Easter Sunday. Only 3 of the grands couldn’t come. Lanie had to work. Dustin and Ty doing their own thing. Kids had fun and we all enjoyed being together. It was warm so the heat ran us inside after a while. Richard (SIL) said it was worth every penny we paid for our new unit. ($6700.) Just a few days after we had it changed is when I fell.
The guys ‘hid in plain sight’ 200 eggs all filled with candy. The last picture shows some before the kids started hunting.
Hope all your Easter was nice and everyone took time to remember the reason for our hope. ❤️Toogie


by dailylaundry 20 Apr 2022

Your Grandson does, without a doubt favor your father! Two handsome guys!! Love the pictures of the Easter egg hunt! Your yard looks like a beautiful park!! It shows a lot of work! After talking with our kiddos and our grands, our Easter was mainly just being so thankful for the incredible news about the health of my oldest brother. Hugs to you, Laura

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

I am so happy for him and for you Laura. I know his health is always on your mind and in your prayers. Great news!

I never thought too much about looks growing up but looking back, he was handsome and so is Dalton.
My husband has a lot to mow. I said one time I have never had to mow and if hubby goes before me, I won't know how to with that zero turn. Richard (SIL) says that's what you have us 'kids' for. I laughed and said they were getting old too-lol Hubby likes mowing and the garden too. I like the air conditioniong-lol

by sebsews 20 Apr 2022

Good news on the healing process! I said a happy heavenly birthday for your handsome father. I included a thanks for his service. Love the easter pictures. Small gathering at my house, only 8. We ordered Chinese and had fortune cookies for dessert! What are your plans for Mother's Day? Wishing you continued health, Suzanna

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

Oh thank you! His brother Phillip died in the war, a hero's death. He covered a hand grenade with his body to help save his men some of the blast. His parents, my grandparents received his honors and purple heart, after his death. It was 4 brothers all in service. I can't imagine my grandmothers worry. I'm sure her prayers were many.
I'm not sure about mothers day yet. Sometimes the kids do a fish fry here or at their houses. One year it was at Marsha and Richard's house, so the kids or whoever wanted to, could swim. Sometimes we Bar-b-que. What's the plans your way?

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Apr 2022

Glad you are healing well. Now you need to do the physical therapy to get your muscles back in shape. I am sure you enjoyed having the family getting together again, and based on the pictures everybody had fun. The little ones are so adorable.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

Aren’t they! I love watching Declan making his steps. He doesn’t get to far from his mom, though. He has been breast fed this year and although he is being weaned off, when he gets sleepy or tired, he still wants his mamma. Dalton tries to rock him and give him a sippy cup but his eyes are searching for his mom.
I feel I slept better last night, although at times, I did wake up with my arm aching, I was able to go almost right back to sleep. That is very unusual, because usually if I wake up I can lie an hour tossing and turning and eventually give up and get up. My hubby just said I was snoring loudly at times. He knows because he was up during the night. I just laughed and said ‘I’ don’t snore! He will raise his eyebrows and stretch those eyes 👀 open wide at me and laugh saying “yes, you do”!-lol

by 02kar Moderator 20 Apr 2022

I'm so glad you have been released to stitch again. I know you must have been in withdrawal all this time. And what a grand way to celebrate with your family, both for Easter and the good news of healing. I'm glad you and your family were able to have such a good time.

toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

Well I’m not quite where I need to be to start stitching again but I’m willing to work to get back what I’ve lost. Although I can move my arm certain ways, I still cannot lift it but a little way. The family are so precious to me, each and every one.
I love seeing how the children are growing and Declan walked so well in the grass. Nora remembered how Gus didn’t like the feel of grass on his bare feet. If you were holding him he would lift his feet up.

02kar by 02kar 20 Apr 2022

It was a wonderful day of special memories from the past and new memories of the present. You may not be able to do quilting, but you can prepare the way for smaller projects to come. That's all part of stitching.

by asterixsew Moderator 20 Apr 2022

Toogie I always love reading your posts and this is no exception. Our house and garden would be very full with such a lovely family event. But then the family is quite small. It’s wonderful that we can get together again and enjoy each other’s company. Thanks for all the pictures. Meeting family and friends is priceless but so precious.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

You are so right about being able to gather together again. We cherish the times we have together. I was afraid it would rain and the kids wouldn’t get to have their egg hunt. The forecasts was 70% rain but later in the day. Thank goodness it did hold off but the morning was cloudy and I felt sure it would rain. We have gotten so much our yard fills with crayfish chimneys, Eraine, our traveling niece, says we should dam up our yard and sell crayfish-lol

by graceandham 19 Apr 2022

Is Chris complaining and she got Lindt chocolate? Oh my! Love seeing the little ones having fun and dressed cute.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

But Chris only got a couple of pieces! (which is more than I got!)-lol Glad you enjoyed the pictures. Hope your day was nice.

by pennifold 19 Apr 2022

How wonderful you got to see most of the family Toogie and yes I agree Dalton looks like your Daddy.

Love all the piccies of the kiddies getting their Easter Eggs. I didn't get any as I was on my own all last week and I don't think the kids thought of me as wanting some Chocolate. Luckily Trev had left some Violet Crumble pieces and a couple of little Lindt Chicken shaped choccies.

Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures, I love seeing the family. Love Chris

asterixsew by asterixsew 20 Apr 2022

Come to think of it I had no Easter eggs and by request grandchildren received money. The boys bought knives for fishing.

toogie by toogie 20 Apr 2022

Caroline, sometimes we give money for the ones finding the most eggs or the prize (golden) egg. It’s usually hid a lot harder. Since these kids are mostly small, except Nora, we gave them each a bag of candies and toys.

Chris, I didn’t ever remember my daddy with hair so I love seeing old pictures of him when he was young. He always teased and said when I got sleepy, I would twirl his hair around my fingers to go to sleep at nap time and twist it out!-lol
The family are such a blessing to us. All of them, grown and kids alike, always hug and kiss us, when they arrive and when they leave telling us they love us and we them. Once in a while the little ones come with a tear or outright crying because they’re not ready to leave-lol We are glad they all like to still come. Although, lol, when it’s been a long exhausting day, we are sometimes glad for them to go! -lol lol