by cfidl 24 Apr 2022

It has been a while since posting. A few got away without taking pics. however this one I remembered so I could share it with you. I chose the colors from the wedding invitation. I placed this lighted jar on the head table, so they could say just that. My nephew loved it once he realized the meaning of the colors. Anyway this is one of 4 ways I have found to showcase my pieces. More to come!


by sebsews 25 Apr 2022

Great idea! I bet they lit up nicely to show your beautiful work. Hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

Thank you so much. I have a few more in the works.

by peafarm 24 Apr 2022

So lovely and what a grand way of showing.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

Thank you, and it recycles. The jar is from reused.

by toogie 24 Apr 2022

Oh how nice! Looks like FSL to me, so I’d be proud it came out so well. Pretty blue too

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

It is FSL and you would not believe how un-perfect? it is. I had to do some zigzag to ensure it would stay together, as something happened during stitching and I have no idea what.

by 02kar Moderator 24 Apr 2022

Very delicate and pretty.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

Thank you I knew I would use the design as soon as I saw it .

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Apr 2022

What a unusual idea I love it

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

I forget where I saw it, I thought it was popular 2 years ago.

by worthy edited 24 Apr 2022

Lovely, Very nice addition to the wedding. Very nice touch on the top also.

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 26 Apr 2022

Thank you so much. I could not find the right lace to go round the lid, and I ran out of time. This is my favorite trim, and hobby lobby does not make it anymore.

by noah 24 Apr 2022

Looks lovely Christie xx

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 24 Apr 2022

Thank you Carolyn!