by basketkase 05 Jul 2022

Hi Cutie friends......this is Bee Happy and the black part of the bee and border are done in a continuous stitch, no jumps in that part....yea! Jim is on his way to AR house and probably won't get this on my website til tomorrow....


by noah 13 Jul 2022

I love this message Vici .Nice job as you always do hugs xx

by sonjapotgieter 13 Jul 2022

So Cute!!!

by pennifold 06 Jul 2022

Hi Vicki, this is so beautiful and appropriate at the moment here in Newcaste, NSW. We have a dreadful mite called the Varroa mite which has decimated over 600 hives.

" As many as 600 beehives and at least 6 million bees have been destroyed and another eradication zone has been established in NSW following the deadly Varroa mite outbreak". Love Chris

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 07 Jul 2022 horrible! Will pray for is to end!

by oaro 05 Jul 2022

thank you

by graceandham 05 Jul 2022

Continuous and pretty cute, too! Congrats.

by 02kar Moderator 05 Jul 2022

I don't know how you do it, but what an incredible feat to achieve. It looks like the move is coming closer?

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 06 Jul 2022

Indeed it is!