by basketkase 25 Jul 2022

Oh my gosh.......finally had some time....I am looking at maybe 2 more weeks here, not really sure yet....Jim has one more trip to take when our one heat pump comes in as one of our mini splits crapped outšŸ˜£Anyway, this is FloralBFlys #1 and I will have all Santa's Deers available when I have time to stitch the rest.....this is SR Blitzen, SR Comet, SR Cupid and SR Dancer.....I thought these would make a cute Christmas wall hanging or quilt......all of these above will be up on my website by tonight......


by 02kar Moderator 26 Jul 2022

Ohhh, cute! Hurray, the move is soon. I know you just want it to be done and over by now.

by sonjapotgieter 26 Jul 2022

Sooo cute and adorable!!!Awesome designs!!

by bemara 26 Jul 2022

Your Reindeer have cute little bells :-)

by Mleodore 25 Jul 2022

Very cute

by pennifold 25 Jul 2022

These are really cute Vicki, I love anything Christmas! Love Chris

Good luck with getting the last minute things done.

by wellsa 25 Jul 2022

Very beautiful and right on time !