by 02kar Moderator 11 Sep 2022

I woke up this morning and realized it is Sept.11th and started thinking about that awful day in 2001. How alone I felt with my husband a 1/2 a world away. It was certainly a time where we saw the best and the worst in people, wasn't it? And I realize what a wonderful experience it is to have the Cute websites where we meet people from all over the world and are able make friendships with so many. It is such a blessing to care about so many people whom most will never meet here on earth. Thank you to all who have been so kind and caring to me over the years. I hold you all in my heart.


by airyfairy 12 Sep 2022

A day that should never be forgotten

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

I agree. So many ugly things are happening around the world now.

by mops Moderator 12 Sep 2022

I too remember that day. My mother died on the 6th, my daughter's birthday, and her funeral was on the 11th. Afterwards we came together in a restaurant opposite the cemetery and suddenly the TV was turned on by the staff and we watched how the second plane flew into the tower. I'll never forget. Our personal rather serene grief so insignificant compared with the horror at your side of the Atlantic.

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02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

What a bittersweet day that was for you and your family. I don't think your grief any was less than ours. That cruel act seemed to reverberate around the world.

by loriziegler 11 Sep 2022

You deserve nothing but happiness! You have helped me so much I hope and pray you know how much! You are so kind and always see the good in people you are a rare gem! I was in Atlantic City travelling home that day when my husband heard our fighter jets above us and we knew something was terribly wrong but had not heard what yet! We stopped in PA at an Amish restaurant to eat at called Zinns Diner and saw what was happening on the news and Alls everyone in the place could do was pray and watch and cry!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

And you know how much We love you too. I'm so glad you made it home safe and sound. It seemed like a crazy day for everyone who were away from home. Yum! I love Amish food. It is so good.

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Sep 2022

I will never forget that day. I think we all know where we were and how we found out. So many people still have health issues today because of exposures to all the chemicals. It was a very sad day.

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02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

Yes it was. I know it seemed like it was so long ago, but it still impacts so many people still today.

by pennifold 11 Sep 2022

Hi Karen, a you know I'm in Milano, Italy and most of the news over here is on the death of Queen Elizabeth. I commented to Trevor how today was 9/11 (we say 11th September, as we put the day first, then the month down in Australia) He had forgotten what day it was.
My heartfelt commiserations go out to all Americans who lost loved ones that awful day.
Like you Karen, I thank all the Cuties on here who have helped me through the past 12 years. You are one beautiful soul, love Chris

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

Chris, you are one of the most loving and generous Cuties we have. I still treasure the towel you sent to me and the koala keeps me company in my sewing room. I always smile when I see either one. Enjoy your trip

by sewtired 11 Sep 2022

Like Toogie, I was home alone and didn't know what happened until I got a call from my DH and then turned on the TV. What a horror. DH was at work in our same town. Can't imagine how awful it was for those of you whose husbands were out of town. Hope it doesn't haunt you too badly now.

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02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

It is certainly a day that changed me, as it did every other American. It was especially hard because we had been stationed at a Base near the Pentagon.

by toogie 11 Sep 2022

I remember how I heard the news. I had not turned the tv on that morning, kids were in school, hubby at work and I was either cleaning or sewing I don’t remember which. I received a phone call from Weeda, one of my sister-in-law’s that was taking her turn staying with my mother in law. I told her Happy Birthday when I answered and she asked me if I had the television on. I said no and then she told me. I was as shocked as the rest of the world and heartbroken for the lives lost and the families grieving, whose lives were changed forever.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

What a sad birthday for Weeda! My school principal arrived at my classroom door, telling me to turn on the TV. That was the one and only time I was sorry to turn on the TV.

by dlonnahawkins 11 Sep 2022

Karen, - how I remember that day too. My husband had flown to the Midwest for a one-day meeting with a group of his co-workers. I called him when I heard, and they had not heard it yet. Of course, all flights were cancelled, and they were stuck out there with no clothes or car. They were able to get a car, but it took them 3 days to get home, and he said thankfully that little town had a Walmart. They were able to pick up changes of clothes, and toothbrush, and the rest of the essentials.
It was a horrible time for our nation, and the World. Watching those videos and the mourning families was heart wrenching.

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

Oh my! What a story your husband had to tell. I'm so glad he and his co-workers were able to make it home safe and sound. But I know it was a very long scary 3 days for you all.

by rescuer Moderator 11 Sep 2022

Even as some memories fade, I will remember 9-11. The horror watching the videos with planes crashing into buildings and so many people unable to make it out alive...
You are one of the sweetest caring people! It is kindness such as yours that make Cute a wonderful place to be!

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 12 Sep 2022

Thank you. I am so grateful for all you do to keep Cute a safe place to share our hopes, dreams, hoys and sorrows.

by asterixsew Moderator 11 Sep 2022

Karen beautifully put

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 11 Sep 2022

I didn't have my Cute friends to turn to that day. It is still a day that is very painful for me. It is wonderful to have Cuties who have come to my rescue with prayers so many times.