by basketkase 05 Oct 2022

Got a few done today, will show the rest tomorrow, The BW Chicken Stack I am showing how you can change the stitchout a bit by stopping after the black runs.....the 2nd pic is with the white highlights added if you so choose. The other pic is of a design I call oh man, does it ever depict me during this move!! Hopefully from here on out will be all smiles! I thought this would be a great design for children as well who go through so much emotional turmoil occasionally........both will be up on my website tonight........


by genin 16 Oct 2022

I like the chicken !

by sonjapotgieter 10 Oct 2022

Love the Chicken designs!! Stunning

by pennifold 06 Oct 2022

Hi Vicki, I absolutely love your Chickens, they look really beautiful. Love Chris

by noah 05 Oct 2022

Oh i love your hens or birds or??lol

by dailylaundry 05 Oct 2022

These are so cool!! Great designs!

by 02kar Moderator 05 Oct 2022

Well done! I understand all too well all of the emotions that have been flying in and out of your head these past several months. I have a t shirt my hubby bought for me that I can share with you It shows a cartoon cat with its fur fluffed out with the saying It's fine, I'm fine, Everything is fine! It's an almost daily reminder that I need lately.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 05 Oct 2022


by asterixsew Moderator 05 Oct 2022

Love your chicken designs