by basketkase 10 Oct 2022

My goodness, the days are just flying by!! Got these 2 done, Mermaid and Kitty Kiss.......they will be up on my website tonight.......the Kitty Kiss I did on denim and plan on sewing it onto a pair of jeans when I get the sewing machine out.......both these will be up on my website tonight.......


by bemara 13 Oct 2022

who then sticks out the tongue - cute, =^..^=

by sonjapotgieter 12 Oct 2022

Great designs...Gorgeous kitty

by stork 11 Oct 2022

Love the cat!!! So adorable!

by 02kar Moderator 11 Oct 2022

Awww, no one can resist kitty kisses. Glad to hear you are settling in and getting back to normal.

by graceandham 10 Oct 2022

I think your new home is your happy place. Are the kitties settled yet? I think you will love the more Southern winters, too. Glad to see that things are going well (meaning, you have time to digi.)