by basketkase 20 Oct 2022

Sorry been MIA lately......have had lots of appts this past week. Met new doc and love her, also had some other medical persons to meet and greet.....We also closed on our house up north and are now free and clear of that sold in 5 days, was amazed!! Anyway got to play today.......these are CMas #1-7 and the Give Thanks design will be the freebie for November 2022 and will be available on my website on 11-1......Where has this year gone, folks? The other designs will be up on my website tonight.......


by sonjapotgieter 21 Oct 2022


by stork 21 Oct 2022

So glad things are moving in the right directions for you. Love the Christmas designs.

by peafarm 21 Oct 2022

Happy for you that your house sold and you are out from that pressure. Good news on your medical personnel. I'm glad my primary care is a young woman and I am old so she knows my history well. Play time is our happy place. We NEED to keep ourselves happy for sure.

by sdrise 21 Oct 2022

Congratulations on selling your other house so quickly... Glad you liked the new doctor... It is so hard to change and find a new one. My doctor closed her practice and it took months to find a new one for me.
So happy for you that all is well... Kiss the kitties for me. HUGS

by graceandham 20 Oct 2022

So happy on the sale of your former home. Done and done. Moved. Sold. Getting garage! All that and "play" time, too.

by 02kar Moderator 20 Oct 2022

I am so delighted with all of your good news. I know having the northern house sold is a huge step forward. Best wishes that all of the doctors and medical folks on your team are perfect fits for you and your medical needs. Your joy is reflected in these new designs.