by sebsews 25 Oct 2022

Made 20 orange felt pumpkins for my daughter-in-law. Peek a boo window will show what she puts inside. I would have added candy, but I ate the candy! Hugs and flowers to all, Suzanna


by cfidl 03 Nov 2022

These are so cute and I am sure well appreciated. Especially the candy. Lol!

by toogie 29 Oct 2022

Absolutely adorable pumpkins, not scary at all! Love them. Must be a new design I haven't seen, but I really haven't looked for fall or halloween designs lately. As far as candy, it disappears fast here too. I always put out a tin or two when playing our games. When we have 10 playing candy goes away fast. My sister brought in a $10 bag with 55 pieces for our games. With 55 pieces, I think it lasted about 2 or 3 different times.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 30 Oct 2022

Thank you! I like them too. I have found gg designs offer lots of peek a boo designs for various holidays. The candy goes fast here too. When my sons come to visit, they always go to the pantry to get into my candy. Mom always has chocolates!

by Mleodore 27 Oct 2022

So very cute

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 28 Oct 2022

Thank you! And so fun to make.

by cj2sew 27 Oct 2022

So, so cute. Those little open mouths are just crying out, "Where's the candy?" I have the same problem about candy, so I don't buy until the day of. You're an awesome mother in law.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 28 Oct 2022

Thank you! I had to replenish candy for Halloween. I need to not open the bags until it is time!

by stork 26 Oct 2022

These are so cute!!! The kids are going to love them! Great job.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 26 Oct 2022

Thank you! I think so too.

by basketkase 26 Oct 2022

What a cute idea.....these will bring lots of smile to little (and big) faces...

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 26 Oct 2022

Thank you! I love those smiles!

by airyfairy 26 Oct 2022

These are just so cute. Such a lovely idea

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 26 Oct 2022

Thank you! Her family will love them too.

by pennifold 26 Oct 2022

Hi Suzanna, these are gorgeous. Good on you for eating the sweets yourself! I would too, love Chris

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 26 Oct 2022

Thank you! I really did enjoy making them. Still have felt left but no candy left! Love back to you, Suzanna

by 02kar Moderator 25 Oct 2022

Awww, they are cute even without the candy. Wasn't the candy for you, for being such a great MIL?

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 25 Oct 2022

Of course, it was for me! Never leave chocolate unattended when I am around.

by noah 25 Oct 2022

Lol Ate the candy .If it is open you can count on me to eat it lol
I am glad i am not alone.

sebsews by sebsews 25 Oct 2022

And I thought I was the only one! I help the chocolate companies stay in business.

worthy by worthy 26 Oct 2022

Love the outlook, have to remember that when I have next choc attack;-)

by worthy edited 25 Oct 2022

An adorable idea. They are so so cute. Thanks for sharing. The candy a good reward for the pumpkins , right? ;-)

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 25 Oct 2022

Thank you! I ran out of ribbon, so I used twine. Actually, the twine is what I tie up a chicken (dead one) when roasting the bird. Yes, I loved the candy too.

by asterixsew Moderator 25 Oct 2022

Suzanna I am laughing that you have eaten the candy. These pumpkins are great. Having made 20 are they for a teacher?

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 25 Oct 2022

Thank you! Making them was fun too, always having that open smile looking at me. Her family always has a Halloween party, she will fill with candy and give out at the party. I don't go, too many creepy food items. But they do have a great time.