by basketkase ( edited 31 Oct 2022 ) 31 Oct 2022

Hi busy traveling just to get neccessary items....LOL...went on a 2 hour trip just to go on a grocery store and big box home center. We have local stores but small, expensive and or Walmart, which I only use if I have to......that said, I got some stitching done today and did a project for me. I stitched this on a black sweatshirt and enlarged it to a 11x13 hoop.....I will wear this thru Christmas, it is my take on all these retailers running all our holidays together.....I call it Seasons Mashup and will be available in a 5x7 size on my website tonight......


by noah 05 Nov 2022

The cows look very happy :)):

by cfidl 02 Nov 2022

This is the first time to see this amalgamation. It's great.

by dragonflyer 02 Nov 2022

Well, glad I can finally see your picture...great assortment of holiday hats!

by pennifold 02 Nov 2022

Great work and I'm with Beth, but I try and put mine up my Christmas decorations on the first Sunday in Advent. We don't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving. Love Chris

by noah 01 Nov 2022

Love it Vicki girl .hugs xx

by dlonnahawkins 01 Nov 2022

Very cute...Daughter would love it. Halloween was yesterday, and we had house down the street already decorated for Christmas. I am doing good if I get mine up 2 weeks before Christmas, but that is what I like the best.

by 02kar Moderator 01 Nov 2022

You made me laugh with this mashed up design. And sad to say they have turned Christ's birth into a secular consume every item you can day. Keep coming up with these creative designs.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 01 Nov 2022


by asterixsew Moderator 31 Oct 2022

Love this

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 01 Nov 2022


by worthy 31 Oct 2022

How appropriate and right on the point. Very clever.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 01 Nov 2022


by sewtired 31 Oct 2022

Love it! Some don't even bother with Thanksgiving. Halloween straight to Christmas for 2 months. And Christmas doesn't even start until Dec 25!

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 31 Oct 2022
