by rescuer Moderator 10 Nov 2022

Cuties--the few with browser issues not letting you see the pictures... I wish you had asked us in a PM but I'll tell you here.

You need to clear your cache. You can clear the cache for all sites or just Cute. Your browser is holding onto an old image that loaded without pictures.
There are LOTS of help/instructions online for your exact browser.
Next time, just ask for help. No need to mention it within Project posts. I'm not sure why you'd let it go on for months??? We can't help you unless you ask us--preferably in a PM.


getEdited - SELECT
by dragonflyer edited 10 Nov 2022

Rescuer, I posted this problem the first time at the beginning of August, so did not wait for months to bring up the topic. No one commented or answered my post...

rescuer by rescuer 10 Nov 2022

I'm sure you must not realize this but moderators don't read every single post. After looking at it, no one else had the issue or they too missed the post. Also, there are other users that didn't send a PM to moderators and only commented in Projects.. Commenting in Projects or posting in the forum isn't the way to contact us. Sending us (all of us) a PM is the way to contact us. There are instructions on how to do that in the Q&A section.
Please note we aren't perfect. We try but we have a life outside of Cute.
Hopefully Miss Veronika can help you.

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 11 Nov 2022

I was responding to your last paragraph to let you know I did not wait to post a problem with seeing photos in Projects.

noah by noah 21 Nov 2022

So can you see them now Kim after doing what she says???

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 21 Nov 2022

No, Carolyn, it did not solve the problem... It has been brought to the attention of Miss Veronica so hopefully she will investigate.

noah by noah 22 Nov 2022

Ok thanks as it is still a problem for me to hugs xx