by 02kar Moderator 19 Nov 2022

Thank you to all who have been praying for me.I thought I would update you all after my latest medical appointment. Sorry for the delay, I needed some time to assimilate the result. The surgeon is a very nice man, and I very much like him and trust him. He told me he had been seeing other patients like me who have survived serious cases of covid pneumonia who were now seeing specialists with strange symptoms. He feels my severe and debilitating pain is from the covid virus. He thinks the pain will lessen with time, which tells me he hopes this will be the case. They just don't know because the virus is manmade and so new. There is not enough history yet to be sure. So, there is little that can be done other than pain meds when needed and IV pain meds when the pain is so bad, I can barely talk. Thankfully, our friends are very supportive, and I have so many wonderful prayer warriors who keep me in prayer. So, I will continue to carry on and be grateful for the many blessings I have.


by noah 21 Nov 2022

Yes our God heals and helps us bare up under a heavy load Lots of hugs XXXX

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 22 Nov 2022

Thank you for the hugs. I admit it is hard, but I have spent the past 21 months depending on God and His strength, both surviving a virus that has killed so many and now trying to regain as much of a good quality of life as possible.

by pennifold 21 Nov 2022

Oh! Karen, my dear girl, I am so saddened to read you are still in pain and I know you have a strong faith and will come through this. Of course we don't know what God's will is for us all and I am sure you have prayed for His will to be done.
I can't believe there are so many "side effects" from this dreadful virus and also pray that the Pharmaceutical companies can get to the bottom of this and make sure it doesn't continue to cause pain. Sending you lots of love and hugs. You are one special lady. Love Chris

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02kar by 02kar 22 Nov 2022

Thank you, Chris, Yes, I am praying for God's Will and the strength to get through this. As I progress through the medical world, I am saddened to find that surviving is only the beginning. And crushed to find so many are now struggling to live with the damage this manmade virus has caused to our bodies.

by peafarm 21 Nov 2022

Continually pray for those who ask and those who do not but have ailments.

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02kar by 02kar 22 Nov 2022

Hugs to you for being sure that all who need prayer are covered. Thank you.

by sebsews 21 Nov 2022

Our sweet Karen, I continue to pray for you. I hope pharmaceutical companies are studying for a cure for long term covid symptoms. I pray your pain gets better. I know you will keep your faith. Feel better soon, Suzanna

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02kar by 02kar 21 Nov 2022

Thank you for each and every prayer. I know this probably sounds strange, but I think of every day as an adventure since I have no idea when or for how long I will have pain.

by basketkase 20 Nov 2022

We will all hold you up in prayer! Much love!

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02kar by 02kar 21 Nov 2022

As always, you have my back. Thanks for being the kind and generous and caring person you are.

by gerryvb 20 Nov 2022

hope there will come improvement for you soo. Prayers will continue, great you have supportive friends. Big hug is coming your way 😘

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02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

Thank you for both the prayers and the hug. I need both. I admit, this news hit me hard. I have turned to concentrate on the many blessings rather than get depressed over having to continue to fight for my quality of life.

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Nov 2022

Oh Karen. This is not the result I had hoped for. I will keep you in my prayers. So many have strange after affects after surviving Covid. It is all so sad.

02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

It is sad that this virus and so many of the treatments have caused so much grief and sadness. I know virtually every one of us have lost people we know and love. I will continue to fight to live to the best of my ability in memory of those Rob and i have lost.

toogie by toogie 20 Nov 2022

I agree with both of you. A small virus can do so much …. Reminds of of a mustard see of faith….can also do so much!

by cfidl 20 Nov 2022

I pray for you.

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02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

Thank you

by dragonflyer 20 Nov 2022

So sorry to hear this Karen...hoping there will be a breakthrough to help you with your pain. Sending love and light to you and your family...

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02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

Thanks. I have to admit, I thought I had won the war when I survived. But I guess that was just the beginning. One of my many blessings is Cute and the love and support we pour out for each other.

by mrskiki 20 Nov 2022

Praying for your pain to lessen and be relieved and any other symptoms to disappear. Keeping you in my prayers daily. Hugs. Nan

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02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

Thank you. I treasure each and every prayer uttered on my behalf.

by shirley124 20 Nov 2022

I will continue to add you to my prayers. Hugs

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 20 Nov 2022

Thank you so much

by dailylaundry 19 Nov 2022

I just read your update Karen! I am so very sorry that your pain has not lessened. Please know you continue to be in my prayers and I hope each day finds you feeling better and better. Thank you for letting us know. Many many hugs to you and your handsome hubby!! Laura

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02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

Thank you, Laura. I've been worried about you with that mega storm and wondering if you had been affected. I've decided I need to adjust my attitude to learning to live with this for a long time. I'm not sure there will be a quick fix. But there are still 2 specialists to see. It's not in my nature to lose hope.

by jrob Moderator 19 Nov 2022

Oh, sweet Karen, this is not what I was hoping to read. I'm praying that with these strange symptoms popping up for many people, research will be done and a better outcome found.

02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

I admit, I hated posting this. It was hard for me to have to share the news that my journey was not complete. And I know that because this is so new, it will probably be years before it is understood and medicine can come up with if not a fix, at least ways to live with these symptoms. And in the meantime, it is so much nicer to count blessings than to think of the ice pick and when it is really bad, the auger in my gut.

jrob by jrob 20 Nov 2022

Your testimony is powerful.

by graceandham 19 Nov 2022

Will keep praying for this to cease or lessen.

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02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

Thank you. With so many prayer warriors, I know our God is listening.

by rescuer Moderator 19 Nov 2022

Prayers continue...

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02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

Thank you so much.

by dlonnahawkins 19 Nov 2022

Karen, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this, and all from covid. My daughter is a critical care reparatory therapist. She contracted covid in March 2022 from a patient that she was treating. She was very sick, but refused to go to hospital at that time, for she knew what they would do to her. She was left with 2 very bad symptoms, and now has been diagnosed with post-covid PTSD. She was left with a heart issue, and lung issue which she has to take medications. And bless your heart. This is hard to work through, and I am so glad that you have a good support group,

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins edited 19 Nov 2022

That was March of 2020....not 2022. My error. This was before a lot of us knew about Covid....

02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

Your poor daughter must be one of the first known patients. My heart goes out to her because i know her life has changed so very much. I think we are all left with lung damage, so I understand how hard it is for her. I consider myself fortunate because the echocardiogram showed my heart to be OK. One of my many blessings. Please tell her thank you for her care of respiratory patients. I know it was the respiratory therapists who rescued me so many times while I was hospitalized. But I am proud to say I refused to go on a vent. I was determined to survive and to breathe room air. I wish we survivors (your daughter included) could establish a covid survivors club. I know I find it lonely myself. Hugs to you because I know you have had and continue to travel a difficult road of your own with your daughter.

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 19 Nov 2022

I will let her know. She now works for the VA hospital in Lake Nona, Florida. She told us in January of 2020 that she was going to limit her exposure to her dad and me as there was something going on that was really bad. She calls me every night as she comes home, and I cry with her at times. More so now than in 2020, but she is losing many young ones now. Recently she had a 38-year-old ex-serviceman that was pulled off the respirator, and he had no family there, so she told him that she would not let him die alone. She stayed with him and held his hand. So sad. Wishing you better times. Hugs

by asterixsew Moderator 19 Nov 2022

Karen a very interesting reply. Something I have heard of before. What a strange world we are in. Thanks for the update and positive thoughts still coming your way

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02kar by 02kar 19 Nov 2022

Thank you. We are living in a strange world filled with more evil than I can comprehend. I am determined to concentrate on my blessings which includes a husband who is taking wonderful care of me when I can do nothing, and he cares for me without complaining.