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by toogie ( edited 07 Jan 2023 ) 07 Jan 2023

Hello Cuties, I want to thank you all here for the outpouring of love, support and prayers you have said and expressed on my original post about my family’s loss. I assure you I have read them all even though I didn’t respond I hold them and you in my heart.

We had my brother-in-law Robert’s funeral and will have Kyle’s funeral Tuesday. It is still unbelievable that someone so young, happy and full of life is no longer. His parents, Mertie and Charlie are grieving so and also Crystal his only sibling. Charlie still has to go to dialysis 3 times a week and I don’t see how Mertie has the right mind to drive him. We’ve all said the death of Kyle will finish Charlie off, as everyone thought he really looked bad about 6 months ago when Mertie’s younger brother Justin died.
I thought I’d share a few pictures I had so you’d put a face to them.
Robert, our brother in-law was 86 in the blue shirt. He was funny, kind and loving. He bought Ashley her first bicycle and at 5 or 6 she learned to ride without training wheels. My kids always felt comfortable and loved him too, as you can see Marsha here with him when she was younger. As Robert aged and couldn’t do emergency repairs on house, car, etc he would call our son to help because his son lived too far away. They also fished together for years. He will be missed by all for sure.
The other pictures are of Kyle with his mom Mertie
( our niece) and dad Charlie or his sister Crystal. We always thought Charlie looked like Burt Reynolds when he was younger and Mertie always was a beautiful girl. She had that Farrah Fawcett hair style going on in this picture-lol- so I had to add these last two of when they were younger and then more recent. Kyle cutting up in front yard with rackets. Memories, good memories, thank God for them. Thanks for letting me share them and my thoughts with you. Think of us especially Kyles parents and sister Tuesday as we lay Kyle to rest. ❤️ To you all but 💔 Toogie


by basketkase 10 Jan 2023

Oh my gosh sorry your family has had to experience all this sadness particularly around the holidays....I pray all your family members will find comfort in the good Lord! ❤️

by dragonflyer 09 Jan 2023

So sad that you and your family has had to deal with all of this, especially so close together...sending love and light to you all...

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2023

Thank you, yes, they died about an hour apart. One we expected, the other a shock. Tomorrow is Kyle’s funeral. It will be hard.

by sebsews 08 Jan 2023

These great pictures show so much love. I am so sorry of the loss of your family members. Thank you for sharing your family with us. I know you have had many ups and downs this past year, yet you hang in there and seem to work through the events. Wishing you all the best and a better year. Hugs, love and flowers, Suzanna.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2023

It’s coming up the anniversary of Isabella’s death the 19th and my sister’s I lost last Jan. Some days I get by without really thinking of her but some days I get oh so lonesome for her. It will get better and it has mostly. Thank you

by 02kar Moderator 08 Jan 2023

You have such an incredible family! And you have made us feel a part of your family. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of Robert and Kyle. You know we grieve with you. Keep those treasured memories in brain and close. These memories are a legacy of lives well lived. And I know this will bring tears, but oh, how we all look forward to the reunion with loved ones when we reach Heaven too.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2023

Amen Karen! So many have gone before us.

by pennifold 08 Jan 2023

Dear Toogie, my heart goes out to you and all the family. What a tragedy to deal with 2 deaths and so close together. Love the photos of Kyle and his Mum. Sending prayers of comfort and peace for you. Love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2023

Kyle was a big cut-up as seen here in this picture with his mom and his niece. Thank you for remembering us as we deal with these two deaths.

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Jan 2023

Toogie thanks for sharing your pictures. Loosing two family members so close together. Especially one so young. All I can say is I am thinking of you all. Take care

1 comment
toogie by toogie 07 Jan 2023

Thank you Caroline. We haven't found out Kyle's exact time of death but we know it was within an hour of each other. We were expecting Robert's but the sudden loss of Kyle still has us brain numb, hard to comprehend.