by aussiequilter 08 Jan 2023

Morning girls, Im not sure how many read my post about Trevorsassing and my daughters pancreatic cancer, but out of all this sadness, i got some wonderful news on Saturday night my edest grand daughter told me is expecting a baby Alishya is 28 and has a lovely partner this will be my first great grand child, Im asking for prayers cor mum and baby ,this will also be the first grand child for Bec my daughter ,i pray that she gets to see baby in August

Thankyou Monika


by basketkase 10 Jan 2023

Oh Monika, how wonderful to get the news of a new life coming into the world amongst worry and sadness for others, rejoice in this news and love and prayers for your whole family!

by airyfairy 09 Jan 2023

Wonderful news for you and the family

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 Jan 2023

I am so glad that there is something in your life that you can look forward to. Keeping all the health issues in your family in my prayers.

by dragonflyer 09 Jan 2023

So happy there is a bright spot to focus on...congratulations Monika!

by 02kar Moderator 09 Jan 2023

I'm so delighted you have wonderful news. I know it's been a tough time for you. I hope we get to see you posting some pictures of the gifts you will be stitching for this already loved baby.

by maleah 09 Jan 2023

What wonderful news to start the New Year. Prayers for your entire family...

by gerryvb 09 Jan 2023

that's wonderful news, something so special to look forwards too.and so inspiring to make lovely babythings. praying with you that when it's August you can hold your first grandchild ....hugs and love for you

by pennifold 09 Jan 2023

Hi Monika, sorry to hear about Trev's passing and Bec's pancreatic cancer. I didn't see the original post.
Great news about Alishya having a baby, I can imagine you will be making a 'few' things for the baby. God bless you all, love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jan 2023

Monica what lovely news for you and something wonderful to look forwards too. Happy sewing for your great grandchild

by graceandham 08 Jan 2023

How wonderful, some "joy in the morning". Congratulations, best wishes to all, and happy baby sewing!