by dailylaundry 05 Feb 2023

Dear Cute Friends, my kind and sweet brother, Hank passed away this morning after a long hard battle with cancer. He had a way about him, even as a kid... always upbeat, smiling, ready to laugh - so positive. My family and I are blessed to have had him in our lives. I feel like he is still with me. I thank each one of you who had him in your prayers over the last year!! Laura


by maleah 08 Feb 2023

Dear Laura, May the good Lord keep you in His tender mercies...

by pennifold 08 Feb 2023

Oh! dear Laura, I am so sad to read that your dear brother has passed. May you feel the love of all your family and friends who knew him. I love to think of those days when you were young and how he was. What wonderful memories you have to cherish.

God please be with Laura and the families as they grieve the loss of Hank and yes, his spirit is still with you, forever!. Love Chris

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2023

Thank you, Chris!

by sebsews 07 Feb 2023

So sorry for your loss of your dear brother.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Suzanna!

by basketkase 06 Feb 2023

So sorry for your loss, Laura.......Grief is one of the hardest things we have to go through......may God bless you and keep you & your family...

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Vicki!

by airyfairy 06 Feb 2023

I am so terribly sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Love to you, Sarah

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Sarah!

by 02kar Moderator 06 Feb 2023

I'm so sorry to hear this. I know your love for your brother runs deep and your tears are your testimony to him. Please remember you are being held in God's arms. Feel His comfort and strength.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Karen!

by sdrise 06 Feb 2023

So sorry to hear your brother passed away. My sympathies. Prayers are still coming for you and the family

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Suzanne!

by dragonflyer 06 Feb 2023

My thoughts and condolences to you and your family, Laura...

by dlonnahawkins 06 Feb 2023

Laura, this is a sad time, but you have such wonderful memories. Prayers for you and your family at this time.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Dionna!

by marianb 06 Feb 2023

Condolences to you and your family.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Marian!

by momac 06 Feb 2023

My thoughts and condolences go out to you Laura and family. Hugs
from Maureen

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Maureen!

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Feb 2023

Laura thinking of you and your family at this very sad time

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Caroline!

by jrob Moderator 05 Feb 2023

Praying that God will wrap his loving arms around you and bring you peace as his memories settle into your heart.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Jerrilyn!

by graceandham 05 Feb 2023

May you all feel each other's love during this hard time of loss and feel the prayers of those surrounding you. Remember the good stuff!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Betsey!

by rescuer Moderator 05 Feb 2023

Sending love. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May you all feel peace.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Feb 2023

Thank you, Rescuer! Hugs to you!