by dlonnahawkins 24 May 2023

I was asked to do cruise shirts for our trip after school is out. Daughter and are taking the little granddaughter, and my great-granddaughter on her first cuise. She does not know about it yet, but we plan on letting her know when she graduates from kindergarten this Friday

She had asked to go on another girls trip, and asked her PopPop( my hubby) if he would buy us a hotel so we could go to the beach. LOL
So many of the hotels along out Florida coast are still going thru renovations from the hurricane that hit both coasts of Florida last year.


by blueeyedblonde 02 Jun 2023

Nice job!
Such a nice surprise! They’ll love it!

by dailylaundry 02 Jun 2023

Great design and stitching!! Oh, she will be so excited to go on a cruise - much better than a Have fun!!! Hugs, Laura

by noah 31 May 2023

Love them .This will bring a few smiles:):)

by babolucia edited 30 May 2023

What fun!

by peafarm 28 May 2023

These are awesome. My son's family are going to East coast of FL. after my last granddaughter gets out of school and my daughter's family is going to West coast near Destin/Panama City Seaside area but this time a little community. She said all hotels/condo's have gotten so expensive. I love the beach. I love to hear the ocean sounds and just staring out to sea at nothing. So relaxing. Love these shirts. Really good surprise for that little one.

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 29 May 2023

We live not too far from the East Coast of Florida, and used to have a beach house up in the Panama City Beach area. I loved it up there and sitting out on the balcony. We decided to sell it because it was costing so much a year to keep it up. Sold it, and not too long after that the area was hit with a big hurricane. We had lived through one of those and were glad we did not have to do repairs from another one.

blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde edited 02 Jun 2023

Good timing!

by pennifold 25 May 2023

Great work and have a fabulous holiday. Love Chris

by mops Moderator 25 May 2023

Love the shirts. Enjoy your trip!

by sonjapotgieter 25 May 2023

Going to be Great Surprise!!!Enjoy and build Memories!!

by worthy 25 May 2023

Great job on the shirts. Have a great time on your cruise. Next she will be asking PopPop for a ship. ;-)

by basketkase 24 May 2023

Awesome shirts!

by robertahilde 24 May 2023

Love the design and the colors you choose; you will be sailing in style!

by cfidl 24 May 2023

Wonderful shirts! You will be the hit of the boat.

by asterixsew Moderator 24 May 2023

Enjoy your trip wearing your lovely shirts