by asterixsew Moderator 10 Jun 2023

Our ever ingenious Sue Dewsbury has just created a super sun hat. For those who dont know what Sue looks like there are pictures on her Facebook page - Engineered in Stitches showing off her sun hat. The design will be available soon. For those not in the know Sue's designs are available for a donation. The monies raised go to a local hospice to her. Scottie a member here was one of Sues friends who spent her final days in the hospices care.


by cfidl 15 Jun 2023

I feel so limited with a 610 hoop. Way back when she did a child's version and I made it with an extra panel. I hope I find it so I can show you all.

by sebsews 12 Jun 2023

Thanks for the information! I will check it out.

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 12 Jun 2023

Thanks for commenting