by babash 04 Aug 2023

Finally back doing a bit of Embroidery again. 2 years ago in June my Husband past away and 6 weeks later I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

It was a lucky find as I had been to the Doctor because I hurt my lower back showering my Husband. A CT scan on my back showed something higher up so another scan was done in that area then a Lung Biopsy to confirm.
It was small cell cancer the one that they don't operate on. Had Chemo and Radiation which I tolerated very well except for the mouth ulcers.
Have been having MRI and CT scans 3 monthly since and things are looking pretty good.
I am slowly getting back into sewing and Machine Embroidery I have been checking out the projects but not commenting until today.


by jrob Moderator 12 Aug 2023

I'm so very sorry for your loss. It must have really been a gut punch to discover you had lung cancer. It's very good news that you are showling clear.
Good to "see" you.

1 comment
babash by babash 12 Aug 2023

Thank You for your kind words. I see your Hubby is going through a bad time too. I totally lost my appetite and the Doctor just eat whatever you fancy even the naughty food. my best friend just made me desserts until I felt like proper food.

by sebsews 06 Aug 2023

Sorry for your loss and recent health issues. I am glad you are recovering, and you are able to once again join us.

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You

by maleah 06 Aug 2023

So sorry to hear that your husband passed. May the good Lord keep you in His tender mercies an let you heal......

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You. Taking it day by day

by dailylaundry 05 Aug 2023

So very sorry with the loss of your husband - How very sad! You have been through so much - You are a warrior! Welcome back to Cute!! Loads of hugs, Laura

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You. Good family and a very good friend helps.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Aug 2023

Lovely to see you here again but very sorry to hear all your news

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You

by airyfairy 05 Aug 2023

Great to have you here again. So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You

by gerryvb 05 Aug 2023

good news you are back again, hugs!!

by sdrise 05 Aug 2023

My sympathies on the loss of your husband, You have been through a lot . Glad you are doing better and getting back to embroidery. Nice to see you back here again. Suzanne

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You. Took a while to even be interested in anything.

by shirley124 05 Aug 2023

Nice to have you back. Hugs

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You

by toogie 05 Aug 2023

I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope they caught your cancer before it went somewhere else. I also hope you can enjoy making projects again. So glad you are with us again!

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You. Yes so far it has not travelled elsewhere. I am so lucky that I have an excellent GP and she followed up on things. Who would have thought a lower back ache could end up being Lung Cancer. Pays to have things checked out.

by rescuer Moderator 04 Aug 2023

I am so glad you are back!
Keep up the good work.

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You

by graceandham 04 Aug 2023

My, you've been through a really hard time and I'm so glad things are looking toward happier times. If you're like me doing projects on my machine is so creative -- selecting designs, choosing cute fabrics, plus just the right threads, and so I immerse myself in it and forget my worrries and troubles for a bit. Then there's the joy of surprising a friend by giving it. May God continue to bless you through this time.

1 comment
babash by babash 06 Aug 2023

Thank You. I think I had it so easy really as I didn't get the vomiting from Chemo as I saw a lot of other patients get. A few mouth Ulcers and losing 9 kilos was nothing compared to what they were going through. I even managed to avoid Covid. You are right I made some zipper bags for friend's grandchildren as a surprise and that felt good.