For me too, I give up, I just watch. Have a good weekend everyone.
Pour moi aussi, je renonce, je me contente de visionner. Bonne fin de semaine à toutes.
Could the design download link email be ending up in your spam folder? My download link email usually arrives before my confirmation email. Sorry you are having so much trouble.
It is only lately that this has been happening. Could it be because I am from another country, I wonder. I checked and it is nothing to do with my provider.
Once I send an email, I always receive a reply and the design a few days later. At least I do get the design, for which I am very grateful.
Only once did the email containing the download link not arrive at nearly the same time as the confirmation email. Be patient. The link eventually will get to you. It's also possible the delay may have something to do with your provider.
Ok, just for info, I ordered and already downloaded. Maybe try it again?