by basketkase 18 Nov 2023

Hi all my beautiful friends 💗 this is Vicki here to thank you for your love, support and caring about me. My lymphoma is still being studied as it is a rare form that is not attacking all my lymph nodes but the actual nerves in my spine are being attacked and that is why I had been in extreme pain. Had 5 radiation treatments which helped with pain and yesterday had my first of 6 rounds of chemo, the chemo will change as they drill down farther on the nuclear side of the disease. They took me down for swallow test and I am aspirating Everything I am swallowing, they want to give me feeding tube for 2 months, I said NO, so I will continue trying to eat and drink very carefully. I may get out of here tomorrow or Sunday. Jim already got my walker ready and medicare is providing port a potty and wheelchair...this oughta scare the B-geesuss outta them when mom starts moving around. Gotta go rest, thank you for always being my support system 🙏 ❤️ I truly love you all and pray for all of you too.....


by rescuer Moderator 19 Nov 2023

I'm sorry to hear about your setback. You're strong! Prayers continue! 🙏
Cuties, she updated here in the comments.

by hightechgrammy 19 Nov 2023

Love, Love, love coming your way, and tons of prayers, Dear Vicki, WE alll love you and those kitties will be enthralled with the devices. Please know you are loved around the world! Hang in there (From Urban Threads.)

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 19 Nov 2023

A G-tube is not a bad thing if it helps you have the strength you need to get well. It doesn't have to be permanent. Please reconsider.

by loriziegler 18 Nov 2023

Sorry you are stuck there a bit longer, but it sounds like you are getting good care! Stay strong you WILL beat this, and I will be praying extra hard for you to get back to your family as soon as possible! Hugs from PA!

by basketkase 18 Nov 2023

False Alarm...I am not going home too much of a choking hazard. Apparently I am aspirating everything I eat or drink and now have thrush in my mouth and throat..oncologist and neurologist are meeting Monday to plan next move stay tuned...

1 comment
sewtired by sewtired 19 Nov 2023

Aargh, so frustrating. Please be careful and listen to your doctors.

by sewtired 18 Nov 2023

This is good news, but still so hard to hear. We want instant miracles for you, but will keep praying that things continue to get better, even if it is not on our preferred timeline. The cats will learn to cope.

by sebsews 18 Nov 2023

So good to hear from you! Sending prayers for more pain relief and feeling better. I like other Cuties have been worried about you. Good to know you know how to rest. Big gentle hugs, Suzanna

by designergal37 18 Nov 2023

So good to know that you are able to post,Prays will continue,

by dailylaundry 18 Nov 2023

Oh Vicki, this is good news!!! Sounds as though you have very good doctors taking care of you .... you are going home!! Your kitties will be so happy to see you that they will get use to the walker very quickly! Prayers every day for you, Jim and your health care team! You, my friend are a warrior!!! Hugs, Laura

by gerryvb 18 Nov 2023

great to read your own message here, Jim did great job, but it's wonderful to see you here. Prayers will continue and a very big hug for you.

by sewmom 18 Nov 2023

Vicki, it's so nice to hear from you. Keep trying, don't give up!!!!

by tonilee 18 Nov 2023

God bless. you are on my mind and in my prayers each day. with are little community asking for Gods help and kindness i know you will be able to beat this. we stand with you ,arms around you , we are here

by dlonnahawkins 18 Nov 2023

Vicki, so good to see that you still have a positive attitude and are doing some better. You are still in so many of our thoughts and prayers. Just don't push yourself and take care of YOU right now.

by 02kar Moderator 18 Nov 2023

You have made my day. I know it wasn’t easy or quick to type this message. But, oh it is so good to see your post. Keep fighting and we will keep praying. Both Rob and I are praying, so you know you and Jim are wading in prayer support. I agree with graceandham, you might become a kitty Uber, so send pictures when you can. And at the very least, it will become another cat bed. Please do be careful. Aspiration pneumonia is not fun. Keep you chin up and eyes on God.

by sharonleekesner 18 Nov 2023

Bless your heart and all the rest of you too. It is sometimes hard to have a survival fighting spirit and I'm glad you do. I'm sure the walker will scare the fur babies for awhile. Sometimes that's kind of fun. Healing, faith and strength to you, and J

by graceandham 18 Nov 2023

SO GREAT to hear from you and get this report. I am picturing how many cats you can Uber in a wheelchair... Equipment is the key to beginning to return to the normal. Prayers will continue!

by sdrise 18 Nov 2023

So wonderful to hear from you directly... Prayers are going to continue until you are up on your own again. Keep the positive attitude and thoughts it helps a lot. We are all here to cheer you on or hear you vent... You are so special to us. HUGS SUzanne

by dragonflyer 18 Nov 2023

So happy to hear you are getting the treatments you need and are feeling somewhat better... thanks for the update and we will continue to shower you with love and prayers....

by pcteddyb 18 Nov 2023

While we loved hearing from Jim we are extra happy you are able to post yourself. Wishing each day is better for you.

by janicedavis 18 Nov 2023

Keeping you in my prayers and sending you a big hug.

by lidiad 18 Nov 2023

I's nice hearing from you, dear Vicki. Thank you for the update.
Wishing the best to both of you,
Hugs, Lidia

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Nov 2023

Gentle hugs dear. Home is the best place to be. Take care and positive thoughts continuing for you, Jim and your furry family

by shirley124 18 Nov 2023

I will continue to send prayers. Take care and rest. Hugs

by rescuer Moderator 18 Nov 2023

May the Lord continue to bless you. Rest often!