What a great selection of bags. I can see why her eyes were drawn to the bag. Keep stitching and posting.
I think my trial little tiny bag is so cute. I'll have to ask my youngest granddaughter again which size she was looking at. The triangle one we were supposed to use one side of the zipper and put the tab back on where it looped around. I couldn't do that to save my life. The tape kept fraying on me.
My eye is drawn to the purple/red one, good job!
Well I am going to tell a little secret about that one--in class and after I got home my fabric lining slipped from my outer fabric and my seam didn't catch on one side so I took a reel of ribbon, cut some off and top stitched it to each side--it will never fall apart there now, lol. I am great at fudging and fixing.
Great job, and those little bags are great for everyone.
Most beautiful bags. I made a similar bag one year and made a real small one. I put D rings or Key rings on the strap so the kids could hook them to their backpacks. Yours are marvelous.
Thank you, I figured I could add that on if one would want a keyring or hook. Thank you.
Great zip bags. These are such useful sizes. No wonder your granddaughter was eyeing them! Nicely done.
Thank you. Yes, I am wondering what was going thru her head when looking them over. I will ask if she thinks her cousin would like one for a Christmas present.