by basketkase 04 Dec 2023

Hello Friends...Vicki is back in the hospital tonight. labored breathing turned into pneumonia. She was inabaited ecause of her O2 level and see fever. Praying this can be eradicated and quickly. That is all the info I have at this late hour.


by jrob Moderator 05 Dec 2023

Love and continued prayers. I pray for healing, comfort for her, knowledge for her caretakers and peace for you, Jim.

by mariagiannina 05 Dec 2023

Sorry to hear this Jim, please keep us informed when you can, thinking of you both, and sending love.
Mary C

by shirley124 05 Dec 2023

So sorry to hear this. I will keep you both in my prayers.

by sewtired 04 Dec 2023

So sorry to hear this, but glad to be updated. As others said, please get some rest and take care of yourself too.

by pennifold 04 Dec 2023

Good morning Jim and thank you for keeping us all informed on Vicki's progress. I know it's been said before but please make sure that you are getting plenty of rest for yourself. Also thinking of all your kitties knowing that their mum is not there with them. God bless you both, love Chris, Newcastle, Australia

by dailylaundry 04 Dec 2023

I have so been thinking about her and wondering how she is doing. You are so kind to keep us informed - so many of us here think the world of Vicki. I continue to pray for you both. Hope you can get some much needed rest.

by sebsews 04 Dec 2023

Sorry to hear this. Prayers, prayers prayers!

by 02kar Moderator 04 Dec 2023

My prayers for Vicki, you and your medical team continue. Please rest when you can. And know that you are part of the Cute family.

by pcteddyb 04 Dec 2023

So sorry to hear this from you. Please let us know how she is doing when you get the opportunity. Thinking nothing but good thoughts.

by gerryvb 04 Dec 2023

oh no, thank you for the update , you are both in my prayers...

by dlonnahawkins 04 Dec 2023

Sorry to hear that, Jim. Praying for both of you.

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Dec 2023

Keeping you both in my prayers. I am so sad to hear about the additional problems. Thank you for letting us know.

by maleah 04 Dec 2023

Praying for her recovery..

by sdrise 04 Dec 2023

Prayers are still coming your way for both of you. Thank you for keeping us informed. We treasure you both.

by dragonflyer 04 Dec 2023

So sad to hear this, Jim....It is truly an ordeal for both of you. Sending love and light to you both.

by cfidl 04 Dec 2023

Prayers for healing.

by zoefzoef 04 Dec 2023

oh dear, wishing her al the best and sending lots of prayers..

by graceandham 04 Dec 2023

Oh my friends, I am praying for you both in the night.

by toogie 04 Dec 2023

I’m am thankful she has you through all of this. I had just said my prayers , Vicki had been on my mind all day today. I told my family about her. I know you have to be tired emotionally so I do hope you find rest for what’s left of tonight and tomorrow finds Vicki much improved.

by rescuer Moderator 04 Dec 2023

I wondered his she was doing. Thank you so much for keeping us informed. Sending love