by deeryno 27 Mar 2024

FYI - The current Daily Freebie lowercase letter "o" looks like a lowercase "a". We have skipped that letter because people are not voting on it because it does not look like a lowercase "o".


by asterixsew Moderator 27 Mar 2024

This is a rather negative comment to a design that is being offered to you for free. If you don’t like it there is no need to comment. Also it would be really lovely and helpful to the site owner (who offers the freebies) that you post under projects some of the stuff you create with the free designs. Happy sewing

1 comment
sharonleekesner by sharonleekesner 28 Mar 2024

Oh dear. I hesitated to comment but I did not see what you saw. I saw someone trying to tell us to look a little closer and vote for something they may have thought was a different letter. I shall go back and look because there is one I thought was an "a" and just skipped over.