by 02kar Moderator 11 May 2024

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely day with my handsome hubby and dinner with some friends. And we shopped at a couple of my favorite stores. Sorry, no fabric added to my collection. I have no more space to squeeze in even a yard of trim. I thought of this birthday as my 3rd birthday because I was not expected to survive 3 years ago when I became sick with covid pneumonia. I am so grateful for this gift from God.


by airyfairy 18 May 2024

So sorry I missed your birthday. Hope you are well.

by loriziegler 11 May 2024

I am sending warm wishes and prayers! I am so happy to hear that your medical issues are behind you where they NEED to stay! xoxo from PA!

by graceandham 11 May 2024

Karen, Are you challenging us to each send a yard of fabric for your stash???

by dailylaundry 11 May 2024

Sounds like it was a wonderful day!!! You are a very special Cutie!!! Bunches of hugs!

by asterixsew Moderator 11 May 2024

Karen I am delighted to hear that you had a enjoyable birthday and celebrated with your handsome hubby and friends