by asterixsew Moderator 14 May 2024

Please does anyone have any useful tips on teaching a left handed person to use a sewing machine? A friend told me today that she doesnt sew as she is left handed and she wants to make a baby quilt for her grand daughter. Thanks you great group


getEdited - SELECT
by sebsews edited 16 May 2024

My husband always called me "his wrong armed girl". LOL With my right hand/arm I can only use right-handed scissors. I also iron with my right hand. I learned to crochet with my right hand, turned the direction around in my head and now crochet left-handed. Computer mouse use right-handed too. Hand sewing, I use lefty. Machine is left hand threading. I have lefty rotary cutters and a few lefty grids. Most rotary cutters can be set up for either left or right. I wish I could help her more. Always hugs and thinking about our Cutie group, Suzanna

1 comment
mcdermme by mcdermme 16 May 2024

interesting excuse. As a lifelong left-hander I can say that if you want to do or learn something that is only possible using your right hand, you do it. it may be hard at first but with practice it becomes possible.

by toogie 15 May 2024

Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company is left handed, just watch her videos!

by taydc 14 May 2024

my grandaughter is a leftie she sews beautifully. we just did it. I did buy left handed scissors though. Hands work together in all tasks, sewing is no different. Cheryl

asterixsew by asterixsew 14 May 2024

Cheryl thanks for your positive reply

Midnight1 by Midnight1 14 May 2024

A friend is left handed, she sews. Yes to left handed scissor.