by kustomkuddle 16 May 2024

Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. It has been a while since I have checked in. It has been very busy. My honey and I are now empty nesters. Becky and her kids have moved into their own house. It is wonderful for them but is a really big change for us. Lots to do on her house and ours now that it is just the two of us. They are about 45 minutes away from us. Sophie is in track so at least 2 times a week, we have been traveling to her track meets. My 90 year old mother is falling frequently, has more health issues and her memory is slowly declining requiring more attention. While it is hard watching her decline, I have to sing praises that she is doing as well as she is. My health has not been the best lately as well. With everything going on, I have not been in my sewing room much at all until now. Hoping to catch up on what all has been going on with everyone. Praying you are all doing well.


by 02kar Moderator 17 May 2024

Glad to see you back with your Cute family. And so good to hear Becky and the grands are doing well. It sounds like you and your mom can use some prayer so don't hesitate to let us if and when you need prayer. I hope you manage to start working on some projects and post so we can admire them.

by toogie 17 May 2024

Good to hear from you! So sorry you have been having health issues, but hope they aren't too serious and you have recovered. Our health is such importance, for our daily lives. Your mom sounds like my in-laws, living a long life. I still have a sister-in-law that will be 98 in July. Her mind is good, but her legs have given out. She just went into a care facility a few months back, after her two daughters were worn out, after years of caring for her. They both are not young anymore and one has cancer now, so a sad situation there. Enjoy your mom while you can and get back to your machines!-lol

by dailylaundry 16 May 2024

Lovely update! I know you must miss your daughter and children but it sounds like you are getting together often! Be sure to take good care of yourself - you are very important!!! Hugs!!!

by asterixsew Moderator 16 May 2024

Lovely to hear from you. Life sounds busy for you though it must be so quiet without Becky and her children. At the stage you are at I said I felt like a rubber band being pulled in different directions. I hope you get time to yourself and find that great embroidery machine that you have and then relax stitching