by mjene 23 May 2024

Been busy with life but I was finally able to complete a project on my todo list. Was so much fun and plan on making more.

I do have to learn how to take better pics.


by toogie 29 May 2024

It looks really good and such patience you had to reassemble,too.

by pennifold 28 May 2024

Wow! this is amazing and you've done an awesome job in pulling it apart, sewing the designs and then getting it back together again. Great work, love Chris, Newcastle, Australia

by sonjapotgieter 26 May 2024

Stunning!!Well done

by dailylaundry 24 May 2024

This is wonderful!! How long did it take to get apart - stitch - and put together? Super job! Hugs! Laura

1 comment
mjene by mjene 24 May 2024

thank you. Didn't take too long to take apart once you snip the lace. I had to lace up twice cuz the first time I wasn't happy so redid it. i would say about 30 to 45 min to put back together

by peafarm 24 May 2024

Oh how great is this. I've never seen a baseball embroidery design before. Looks like a lot of work and sure a lot of love went into this.

1 comment
mjene by mjene 24 May 2024

it was more intimidating but easier than I thought. Glad I finally tried it.

by jrob Moderator 23 May 2024

Perfectly adorable!

1 comment
mjene by mjene 24 May 2024

thank you

by justonlyme 23 May 2024

That would be a lot of work, but the results are amazing. Good job!!
I had a booth at a bazaar back before the world changed, and had embroidered several rolls of toilet paper to see how they would sell. People wondered how I fit that roll in my machine. :) And those were the first things to completely get sold out, because they made great guy gifts for grandpas and uncles. I wonder how many people will wonder how you did y our baseball?!? :)

1 comment
mjene by mjene 23 May 2024

thank you. Yes many have asked. it was worth the effort and a great gift for the little one.

by noah 23 May 2024

Love it Hugs xx

1 comment
mjene by mjene 23 May 2024

thank you

by dragonflyer 23 May 2024

Nicely done! It is quite a project to deconstruct a baseball, embroider it and then remake it! Great job Maria....

1 comment
mjene by mjene 23 May 2024

thank you.