by redhotrn65 24 May 2024

Hey everyone...I've been out of the country for a week so trying to catch up. What has happened to embroidery allsorts? Did she completely take her site down. When you go to her site its one of those ads to build your own website like it no longer exists


by igelca 27 May 2024

Allsorts embroidery has closed her website till later order.

by minnie 25 May 2024

It doesn't work for me in firefox or microsoft edge.

by sewtired 24 May 2024

She's been having an awful time trying to keep the site working. It seems to work fine for some folks, but not for me. I have to use Firefox to be able to see the latest comments, but I can't place my order there. I have to use Edge to place my order and download designs. Good luck and be kind. She's trying very hard.

by MoiraF 24 May 2024

Keep trying. It works on and off.
Was working for me a few minutes ago