by bemara 27d ago

Hello everyone, I am once again looking for a particular breed of dog. The Galgo espanol. I was invited to the Galgo rescue's summer party and would like to support them. Have you seen an embroidery pattern? I have Greyhound and Whipped, thanks for looking. Hugs Maria


by crafter2243 Moderator 26d ago

this is a image i took from a galgo rescue site.

1 comment
bemara by bemara 26d ago

herzlichen Dank für's Foto Angie :-)

by asterixsew Moderator 27d ago

Hi Maria. I have to say this is a breed of dog that I am not familiar with and maybe for others here as well. May I suggest that you post a picture of the Galago so we know and hopefully can find one for you

1 comment
bemara by bemara 26d ago

The Galgo Español belongs to the sighthound family. These elegant, long-legged dogs with long noses hunt their prey by sight and are also known as sighthounds due to this hunting behavior. The Galgo Español is very devoted to its pack. It is advisable to keep Galgos with a second dog to which they can orientate themselves. Kept as an only dog, they need a close bond with their family; their even-tempered, uncomplicated nature also allows them to accompany you to work. The original Galgo Español is generally more delicate than the Greyhound. A Galgo Español must perform - if it does not perform, it is not worth keeping by its owner. Many Galgos are killed at the end of the hunting season, either by horrific methods such as traditional hanging, or sent to one of the many perreras (killing stations). I know of associations that take them out of the killing stations, nurse them up in Germany and place them with loving dog friends. Angie was quicker with the photo - thank you.