by toogie 31 May 2024

Hello Cuties! I went to the orthopedic Wednesday. He wanted to see how much improvement on movement of wrist . While I still have some pain almost daily (kids think it might be from nerve )he was really pleased with it as it has only been 8 weeks. Said I need to keep moving it and didn’t need to come back unless I have a problem 🤷‍♀️ We have been getting LOTS of rain and most pain I attribute to weather. I am glad he did not send me to OT because with daily routine and sewing I can get my therapy. He was really pleased with my progress and so is one of my fellow sewing members. Her boss broke her wrist and like me couldn’t have surgery bc she has osteoporosis like me, too. Wanda said she can’t close her hand in a fist but I told her about 5 weeks in my dr told me to keep fingers moving, even if just can wiggle at first. Wanda also said Joyce’s wrist is more crooked than mine. My hand looks off set. I told you this before but I am including a picture now that I have accepted it better.

On a lighter note. I am piecing quilts again! Yea! I was working on one at the time of my fall that is now at the quilters. I didn’t have a whole lot left on it. However I have started another one with mostly 6 inch blocks. I have made 94 and have the center sewn together working my way around now. I am hoping to have it finished by Thursday, our next meeting, to give to Lynn our quilter. This will be my 50th QOV since I started 5 years ago, so I wanted to do something extra special. I will post it when it’s ready, until then, you will just have to wonder-lol
Also more news. We are getting a new great- grand baby and it’s a GIRL! We are all excited bc girls are few and far between in our family. Her name will be Wrenlee Jane. Another Jane in honor of my mother! We already have Nora Jane, actually Elanora Jane after both her great grandmothers. Momma would be so pleased.
I hope all of you are doing well and embroidering away! ❤️Toogie


by dragonflyer 04 Jun 2024

Great news, glad your wrist and hand are healing well and you are back to doing what you love...50 quilts to honor our military heroes...that makes you my hero!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 04 Jun 2024

(Blush,blush here) Thank you I am so glad to sew again!

by sebsews 03 Jun 2024

I am so glad you are able to sew again. Wow 50 QOV's. You are something else! Hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
toogie by toogie 04 Jun 2024

Thank you, I too am glad to sew again. I was lost without my love.-lol

by sharonleekesner 01 Jun 2024

Hurrah!! Moving forward at a good pace. Happy to see your improvements.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jun 2024

Thank you, me too!

by mrskiki 01 Jun 2024

So glad to hear you are mending well. And sewing again too! I know the feeling of withdrawal when you can't be sewing. I'm enjoying some peaches from East Texas right now. Hugs to you. Nan

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jun 2024

Oh peaches sound good! I was going nuts not to do anything!

by asterixsew Moderator 31 May 2024

Toogie I always love reading your updates on life in your bit of the universe. You cannot keep a good woman down and delighted that you are back to putting quilts together. Great grandchildren sounds fun but something I am not ready for yet. Keep on quilting and keeping busy having fun and enjoying your family

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jun 2024

I just finished my top ! Yea! Thanks for always reading and responding. So few respond that I wonder sometimes if I should even post…. But then there is the few that I know really care!

by dailylaundry 31 May 2024

It is wonderful that you are feeling up to getting back to your quilting!! And, it must be great physical therapy for it! Congrats on the new Great Granddaughter! We have another Grandson due at the end of August - it is such fun! Continue to feel better!! Hugs!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jun 2024

Thank you! This rainy weather is killing me though. I’ll be happier and hopefully pain free when the sun shines again!