by anitapatch 01 Jun 2024

A frog friend and a long runner


by sewmadau 03 Jun 2024

Love that frog, he/she looks to be having a ball. The runner is also very lovely, great work.

I am trying to cut out some lingerie, much rather be embroidering something pretty. Oh well your frog cheered me up no end. Not a fan of cutting out these days, need a good old push. LOL

by anitapatch 02 Jun 2024

Thank you. I am that kind of person, wonder if >I acn do it. And when it is done I am pleased

by dailylaundry 02 Jun 2024

Well done! Love the colors! Hugs!

by zoefzoef 02 Jun 2024

superb work !!

by mrskiki 02 Jun 2024

Very nice. You certainly have been busy. Hugs. Nan