by sebsews 03 Jun 2024

I have missed Cuties so much this year. Personal events have made it very hard for me to write to you. I am going to give it a try.

January, I had lung cancer surgery. My son stayed with me for 5 weeks. The recovery and pain have been unbearable. The nerve pain is not as strong as it was but still there. I have been to so many doctors and finally the doctor ordered CT scan of abdomen which says nothing wrong with abdomen. I still think something is wrong, the side of surgery is still swollen and painful.
April 29 I had to put down my dog. Tore me up and still teary eyed over it. She was 11 and the best and sweetest puppy baby ever. 5 lb. Tea-cup poodle. And of course, May 1st was our anniversary so more tears.
Then came Michigan May 7. TORNADO! 6 pm the sirens blared, I had my bicycle helmet on, saw the darkness, heard the noise of a very loud train, headed for the closet. On the phone was my son, I am yelling to him “the house is shaking and lifting," I hear the glass breaking and lots of other noises. In less than 3 minutes the tornado blew out my shed, destroyed my carport and tore most of my roof off. Gazebo, table & chairs, grills, trees, anything in the way was blown away. Lots of damage to my car. Angry tornado! I am thankful to God I was able to walk out of that closet.
The only room not touched was the sewing room! I am amazed!
My family came to help for the week to help clean up and put my furniture and stuff in storage. I had to go to a hotel for 2 weeks. Then I decided to come back to stay at my house until they say I must leave. I have very little in the house, but I do have electricity. food, water, a twin bed, a couch and small tv. No emb/sewing machines, my niece has them.
I am thankful for so many volunteers, local and out of state.
So many lives have been affected. Lucky no one was killed. 6 injured and went to hospital.
I pray every day for those who have been affected by the tornadoes and other disasters.
Not sure where I will be living but I will keep you updated. Sister Sandy is doing OK. She was in the path of the tornado the facility had some damage and lots of huge trees down. She doesn’t say much but she still recognizes me, and she always says ‘My sister Suzie.” I love that.
Sending hugs and flowers to all, and God bless you, Suzanna


by airyfairy 06 Jun 2024

Wishing you a speedy recovery from all you have endured. Take care.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 07 Jun 2024

Thank you! Every day is a challenge.

by cfidl 06 Jun 2024

Wowzer! I did not think that tornados were that far north. Angels watching over you for sure. So sorry about your furbaby. I pray you have a nice calm rest of the year.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 07 Jun 2024

Thank you! I agree angels were here for me.

by graceandham 05 Jun 2024

Suzanna, it is so humbling to take our disappointments to the Lord. I was having quite the pity party for myself and then I read your list of difficulties, and remembered how blessed I am in the midst of some challenges. You sound incredibly strong, Know that you will be in my prayers.

My tax lady tells me that even though she lost her house in a tornado, it was a blessing from God because she found out there are so many well-meaning strangers in the world, who brought her furniture and pots and pans, and bought her clothing, gave her bits of money and smothered her with love in so many ways. She now lives in a trailer and has a much "simpler" life and is now also a breast cancer survivor, and blissfully happy! Can you believe it??

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 07 Jun 2024

Thank you! So many have been there for me. Still so much to do. Sometimes I get the pity party too. It will take months to recover from all this, but I will continue to push forward. Being a breast cancer survivor I do have a different outlook on life. Looking forward to the blissful happy life.

by sdrise 05 Jun 2024

So sorry to hear all the things you have been through. Prayers are coming your way still. My sympathies on the loss of your fur baby It is so hard to lose them. Hopefully you will be back on your feet soon. Hugs suzanne

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I miss her so much.

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Jun 2024

That was an awelfull lot you had to deal with.I am so sorry. about it all.
Sending a big hug.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! Hug needed for sure.

getEdited - SELECT
by jrob Moderator edited 05 Jun 2024

Suzanna, darling, I'm adding extra prayers for you. Those angry tornados are a force to be reckoned with. I'm sorry you have been having to deal with all of this. You can count on me to pray for you, and you can count on God to answer not because of who I am, but because of who HE is..

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! Jrob, you have been there for me through so many circumstances of my life. I am thankful for your support, prayers and thoughtfulness.

by JeanW 04 Jun 2024

My prayers are with you
God bless you my dear

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you. You will find this site is very caring.

by sharonleekesner 04 Jun 2024

Good grief, that is quite a list of horrors in very little time. My heart goes out to you on the loss of your dear fur baby. They are such dear friends and comfort. Very happy to hear you were not injured in the tornado and I will pray for your comfort in healing. God Bless and keep you.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! Prayers always needed and welcomed.

by zoefzoef 04 Jun 2024

Suzanna, what a difficult period you are having. Lucky you can count on friends, family and others. I'm sending all my best that your situation changes quickly on all fronts, not only to you but to all who are helping you also.
If there is anything that we -cuties- can do you you don't hesitate to ask.. We will find a way to reach to you. Take care
Hugs send. Linda

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I am grateful for all those who have helped me and hopefully things will start looking up for me.

by loriziegler 03 Jun 2024

I am so sorry that you have had to endure so much in such a short period of time to top it all off! I had to put my beloved Black Lab Kissie Boo down the night before I had my left cancerous breast surgery and to be honest it killed me more inside than all I was going through! My heart and prayers are with you! Hugs from Lori in PA!

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I know what you mean. Thank you for the prayers and hugs.

by asterixsew Moderator 03 Jun 2024

Suzanna what a horrible time you have been through. How great they your family stepped in to help sort out the aftermath of the devastation and help with salvaging all that was saveable. Amazing that your sewing room escaped. Lets hope that the rest of this year is quiet and you can get your home sorted so you can return . With love, Caroline

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I had one serger that did not make it. Yes I am hoping for a better rest of the year.

by dailylaundry 03 Jun 2024

Oh my goodness, Suzanna!!! I live in Michigan and I remember that tornado (there was more than one)!! We followed it on the news (we weren't even close to it) and it looked just devastating!! You've had more than your share - I am sorry for so many sadness-es. Many hugs and prayers your way! I hope your home is repaired soon and you are able to get fully settled! Loads of love from another Michigander!

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I can't believe what has happened to me this year. I am afraid the house will be a loss. But us Michiganders are strong, and I will keep doing the best I can. Thanks for the hugs and prayers.

by toogie 03 Jun 2024

Oh Suzanna, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch more. Just one of these events is enough for a person. I’m so sorry any of this happened to you except for you coming out alive! So glad you are safe. Amazing about your sewing room. I know the fact that your sister still knows you, is a blessing for you. You have been so faithful to see about her and her care. You also knew who to thank for bringing you out of that closet alive❤️. Keep us updated on your living situation.

1 comment
sebsews by sebsews 05 Jun 2024

Thank you! I am blessed Sister Sandy still knows me. She is so sweet. While in the closet, I told him if he is going to take me do it now, don't leave me unable to live a good life. He listened and I thank him many times a day. I will keep you posted.

by sewdoctor 03 Jun 2024

Sorry for all your troubles....will keep you in my prayers