by asterixsew Moderator 04 Jun 2024

why is it the way when one has plans to sew that the plans go out of the window. Instead I have spent the afternoon cleaning the machines of the lint that they seem to attract. in removing the top plate I then stupidly dropped a screw into the machine. That lead to quite a palaver in removing it - but I succeeded. Its almost 8pm in the UK and still no embroidery is happening. Tomorrow is another day thank goodness


by zoefzoef 05 Jun 2024

i have a "golden" tip.. if it is messy right from the start.. than don't continue.. it will be messy whole day..

by graceandham 04 Jun 2024

Maybe what you needed from your day (unbeknownst to you) was some stillness and quiet contemplation and creative problem solving practice. I hate when everything goes out the window and as a caregiver right now, that seems to happen to me quite often.

by toogie 04 Jun 2024

Yes tomorrow is another day for you to try again. I know I should have so much lint, from my last two quilts I need to open mine up and suck it out. I keep thinking I’ll stop and do that but trying to finish each set. I made 3 labels and put the binding on the 3 quilts but have only one pillowcase made. I have Avery today so I have an excuse-lol Ashley brought Gus & Nora to a Rodeo camp today and kids will stay through Saturday . She just called that she’s on her way back. It’s about 3 1/2 hour drive one way, but Mason rode with her.

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 04 Jun 2024

I am away from home the next two days so I will have another go and start again on Friday, Saturday but I need to hurry up as the work should have been done by the end of May

by dlonnahawkins 04 Jun 2024

I sure know what you mean. I was cleaning my machines a week or so ago, couldn't find the bobbin cover plate, no matter how hard I looked. I must have knocked it off, and it went under one of my rolling thread boxes. So, after removing everything from that area, cleaning the floors and straightening everything up, I found it way back next to the wall. Now, how in the world did it get back there? I think sometimes we have gremlins in our sewing rooms.

asterixsew by asterixsew 04 Jun 2024

Oh I do love the idea of gremlins in the sewing room. I know that my fabric stash grows. Its interesting that the loss of one small piece of plastic means our machines dont work

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 05 Jun 2024

gremlins LOL... In my house we have an invisible dog named Blacky who moves everything LOL