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by cfidl ( edited 08 Jun 2024 ) 06 Jun 2024

Thank you all. Christie messaged me and said surgery went well. The Dr. removed the tumor. He did not attempt anything with the second area as it is too close to the brain stem. All is as good as it gets, and I am grateful. Thank you for your prayers.

Hi everyone, I am writing to ask for prayers for Christie. She is having brain surgery very soon. They are probably prepping her now for it. They found a small tumor behind her left ear late last summer. She did come to see me in December and we had a relaxing time. Unfortunately during her appointment after that, they told her it had doubled in size. Now the need for this dangerous surgery. I will let you know as soon as I do that she is in recovery. Thank you


by pennifold 08 Jun 2024

This is great news Chris, thanks for the update. I'm praying for Christie and you too. Love Chris

by graceandham 08 Jun 2024

So grateful to hear the results! Wishing her a speedy and full recovery.

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Jun 2024

Thank you very much for the update

by cfidl 08 Jun 2024

Thank you all. Christie messaged me and said surgery went well. The Dr. removed the tumor. He did not attempt anything with the second area as it is too close to the brain stem. All is as good as it gets, and I am grateful. Thank you for your prayers.

by dailylaundry 07 Jun 2024

Of course, prayers and positive thoughts for Christie! Thank you for letting us know and please, when you can - update us on how she is!!!!

by toogie 07 Jun 2024

Will continue to pray for her and her caregivers. Hopefully she will make a full recovery ❤️‍🩹

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by pennifold edited 08 Jun 2024

Hi Chris, thanks for the update. I have fond memories of visiting Christie in Basel when we visited her place and she showed us around. Thankful that you are there for her and please send her my warmest regards. Make sure you are looking after yourself too. Prayers for all concerned in her surgery. Love Chris

by sebsews 07 Jun 2024

Sending prayers.

by zoefzoef 07 Jun 2024

prayers send, and please keep us updated

by loriziegler 07 Jun 2024

Prayers for a successful surgery and a fast recovery!

by graceandham 06 Jun 2024

Covering all involved, including you her faithful friend, in prayer for a good outcome.

by sdrise 06 Jun 2024

Prayers are coming Christies way and will continue Suzanne

by jrob Moderator 06 Jun 2024

I surely will! You are a sweet friend to her and we will be watching anxiously to hear how she is doing.

by dragonflyer 06 Jun 2024

So sad to hear this Christine...sending love, light and prayers to you both. Please keep us posted...

by mrskiki 06 Jun 2024

Praying for her today as well as the Drs involved and the family. Thanks for letting us know what is going on. Hugs. Nan

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Jun 2024

Sending love and thinking positive thoughts for Christie. You are a great friend to her and thanks for letting us know and please keep us updated