by pennifold 17 Jun 2024

Hi guys, just an update on Mum. On Thursday Mum came down with Covid and we got her onto Antivirals straight away. She was sleeping, which was fabulous, because she never rests! So I let her alone over the weekend. When I rang on lat Sunday afternoon they said she was up and walking around like nothing had happened! You can't keep her down!!

But, unfortunately due to her continual roaming in and out of corridors and rooms etc the Nursing team and I had decided for her to move to the MCN are (Memory Care Neighbourhood). This are is a secured security number activated code to get in and out of the area.

So yesterday Trev came with me and we moved all her things from the second floor where she has been for the past 18 months down to the ground floor and into her new room number 23. There are great things about this move as she has a fabulous view out of her large window onto Robinia trees, Moraya bushes and Gardenias. She can also access the garden by going out of the dining room doors and sit outside, upstairs she didn't have anywhere to go as there was only a small balcony where residents could sit in the sunshine.

I'm going there tomorrow and am taking a pair of my secateurs as I want to trim a couple of the flowers that are growing. They actually have a maintenance person who looks after the garden area, but I don't think he comes too often. There are some celery bushes growing and some herbs and a sick looking Chrysanthemum (that's the one I want to prune).

I'm hoping that Mum will settle down a bit better here as there are only 16 residents in her area. On the other side of the lift banks there is another area with 16 residents. These areas are for people like Mum who can still talk and love to roam. It's so sad watching her go downhill, but she is in the best place, unfortunately her nurses from the second floor said they will miss her everyday, but they can come down and see her. There is a cafe just outside the secure door area, so I can take Mum there every time I visit and she can catch up with the other staff. She still has her hair done every Thursday and I'm there for that appointment to have a chat. Love Chris

P.S. When I go there next I'll take a couple of pictures of her new room and area.


by jrob Moderator 21 Jun 2024

Chris, I understand what a bitter-sweet time this is. I'm dealing with this (not as you are) with my daddy's youngest sister. She's still your mum, but doesn't always act like it or look like it. How difficult! You are in my prayers and I'm happy that you have taken control and facilitated the care she is receiving. Your children and grandchildren are seeing first hand what a great daughter looks like. Looking forward to seeing your pics!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Jerrilyn, thanks for your continued support I really appreciate it. I'm so happy that Mum is more settled, love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 21 Jun 2024

I know this is such a bittersweet time for you and your Mum. But I am so grateful that she has had such great care and is now moved to a secure facility where she will be continued to be loved and cared for. And hopefully, no more terrible falls. The place sounds so lovely, I could wish under slightly different circumstances to be placed in as nice a place if I ever need special care.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Karen, yes, you and me both are grateful for her continued care and support that she's receiving. It's very reassuring for me knowing she's being looked after so well. Love Chris

by cfidl 20 Jun 2024

Thinking of you. Best wishes.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Thanks Chris, I am aware of so much love and concern from all you guys. Love Chris

by hightechgrammy 20 Jun 2024

I know this is really hard, but you are so right, there are a lot of good things for her there. She is so friendly and loves to visit, so she will make more friends there. Those blessed aides are just amazing. I still have one that was with both Mom and Dad, and she still texts me. God puts some very special people in these jobs... just because our parents need love. Praying all will go well for your dear Mum.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

You are so right Jan, these nurses are all angels in disguise. I love the fact that Mum's favourite nurse from the second floor comes down frequently to visit her. It makes Mum's face light up when she sees Shelby (only 27 years old). Love Chris

by dailylaundry 18 Jun 2024

Your Mum's new room sounds so bright and inviting. I hope she finds it very comfortable and cozy!! You take such good care of your mum and I can only imagine how difficult it must be. Sending prayers your way and of course for your mum too! She is lucky to have you. Take care Chris - loads of hugs, Laura

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Thanks so much Laura, it's been a challenging week and so busy with other things, plus I've had a heavy head cold (not Covid thankfully). I'm there again tomorrow, so I'll take some pictures of her room's outlook onto a garden and then the outside area where she can sit in the sun. Love Chris

by sebsews 18 Jun 2024

So glad beautiful Mum only had a light case of covid. Souds like the move is positive. Sister Sandy wander too, she is in a memory care unit. I do get upset at what is on the TV at times and I let them the manager know. Mums place sounds beautiful. Looking forward to the pictures. Love, Suzanna

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

So sorry about Sandy Suzann, I know what you are going through too. I bought Mum a DVD player and we can play lovely movies on it for her or even singers. I got a Barbra Streisand DVD set and her music is just gorgeous. Mum's listens for about 5 mins and gets up and goes walkabout!!! I was often left sitting in her room upstairs watching it and then Mum would appear from her walkabout and look surprised, as I was still sitting there! She's funny with her comments. Love Chris

by sdrise 18 Jun 2024

Glad mum is doing better after her COVID episode. IT will be safer for mum in the lock down floor and you will feel better too. It sounds like she has a fantastic view . She will be able to roam and feel more normal for her. The facility sounds so nice. Thank you for updating us. We all care for you and the family. Suzanne

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Suzanne, yes, I'm pleased with her outlook and at the moment the Robinia trees are losing their leaves, they are a lime green/yellow colour. Then below her window sill there are Moraya bushes and in the front of her are there are Gardenias which have some flowers on them at the moment. Our weather down-under is all over the place currently. I will water the little flowers I planted on Thursday, but as we've had rain all day (it's Saturday at 2.00pm as I write this) I may not need to. Love Chris

by dragonflyer 18 Jun 2024

Thanks for the update, sorry your Mum got Covid, but glad you caught it early and the anti-viral meds worked quickly. Sounds like her new room and resident's area will be good for her and a bonus she has a lovely garden area too.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Kim, yes, I'm amazed at how strong Mum's constitution is and has been. Most people don't survive hip operations and she's had 2, plus broken neck, broken upper right arm, 4 seizures and numerous other falls. She is very frail though and really depends on her walker a lot these days. Down to 51kg (8stone) from a woman about my size. Mum's wight and blood levels are a bit up and down, but we hope with an improved high fibre, high protein diet she will gain a bit of weight. Love Chris

by toogie 18 Jun 2024

Chris, I think you are your mother’s daughter, meaning a strong woman like her. You are so faithful to be so involved in her care, unlike so many others, when once their loved ones are placed, in a care facility. Sorry Mum got Covid and happy you both didn’t. I will be watching for pictures of the grounds. I love flowers.❤️Toogie

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pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Toogie, I can't wait to pop in tomorrow and check on the little flowers I planted. I might even pop into Bunnings and get some more border plants. It brightens the lives up of the residents there (especially the ladies) and as Mum is now in a smaller residential care facility there are 13 women and 3 men! Mum is now out of isolation and is free to roam anywhere, which for her is a godsend. She never sits still for any length of time! You can't keep a good woman down! Love Chris

by gerryvb 18 Jun 2024

thank you for the update, your mum is in good hands hope she will enjoy the new room and the garden. prayers for you and mum, and a big hug filled with love for you.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Thank you my friend, It's good to know I can rely on all you on here who have known me for so many years. I'm so thankful for your friendship, care and concern. Love Chris

by mrskiki 18 Jun 2024

It's wonderful that the Covid was short (though not sweet!). Your Mum really is a strong lady-she just keeps on going. Prayers for you and all her care givers. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

Hi Nan, yes, all the staff call Mum the wonder woman. She's defied all the odds and just keeps on going like the Eveready battery rabbit! I'll let the staff know that I have many friends in America who are praying for them. It means a great deal to me. Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Jun 2024

Hi Chris. Thanks for the update on your mum. What a woman your mum is. I hope she settles and enjoys her new surroundings. Thinking of you too as I know its not easy

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 18 Jun 2024

Hi Caroline, thanks for replying. I'm hoping she'll settle in too. I rang the nurses station this afternoon to see if she slept in her bed last night, but she didn't, she slept in the loungeroom again!!!! She was a bit terse and agitated when the nurses tried to care for her needs this morning (which is common at the moment). I am looking forward to seeing how she is tomorrow. Love Chris

by graceandham 17 Jun 2024

Dear Chris, Everything is a step. I will be praying about the many new changes that it goes well. So glad the COVID was "light" and quick. You have made so many excellent decisions for your mother's care.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 17 Jun 2024

Hi Betsey, it's been a long road and I get so upset, but I know she's got 24/7 care. Thanks for your prayers I really appreciate them all. Love Chris